LETTER: Walk & Bike to School Day a success

June 1, 2022

To the Community: 

The group headed to Brookside Primary School hits the road on Walk & Bike to School day. Courtesy photo

On Wednesday, May 25, close to 200 students, parents, and community members participated in the Walk & Bike to School Day in Waterbury.  At 7 a.m., the Brookside Primary School students and adults gathered at Rusty Parker Park for a free breakfast provided by Waterbury LEAP and Waterbury in Motion. After everyone sampled bagels, fruit, juice, and coffee, Bill Minter energized the crowd and then the kids walked, biked, and scootered to BPS with escorts. At 7:45 a.m., the Crossett Brook Middle School students and adults gathered, enjoyed breakfast, and then headed off to school. Kids and adults alike enjoyed the exercise and being outside with friends and neighbors on a lovely spring morning.

Kids, parents, and teachers gather at Rusty Parker Memorial Park before biking, scooter-ing and walking to school on May 25. Courtesy photo

Many thanks to the Stowe Street Café for helping with the coffee, K.C.’s Bagels for their bagels and cream cheese, and to Crossett Brook Principal Tom Drake, and Brookside PE teacher Carol Baitz, and staff at both schools for their help in organizing the event.

Waterbury in Motion, an arm of Waterbury LEAP, is an advocacy group of local volunteers working to develop a safe, active, and accessible bike/pedestrian system in Waterbury and the surrounding area. If you’d like to participate in these efforts please e-mail bill@appletreelc.com.

Bill Minter & Duncan McDougall

Waterbury in Motion


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