Nease salutes school principals at start of National Principals Month

To the community: 

As we celebrate National Principals Month, it is with great pride that I shout out the biggest thank you ever to the best principals a superintendent and community could ever hope for: Denise Goodnow, Sarah Schoolcraft, Tom Drake, Josh Estes, Megan McDonough, Laurie Greenberg, Duane Pierson, Mandy Couturier, Kaiya Korb, Celia Hooker, and Sam Krotinger. THANK YOU! 

I see daily what each of you sacrifice and give to our students, staff, and district as a whole while putting yourselves at the bottom of the care chain. I KNOW not only because I am your superintendent but because I was a principal for 20 years. I truly admire and respect you more than I can express. What you have endured during this pandemic, to do what is safe and best for our students and staff is heroic, selfless, and invisible to many. I ask the community at large to share in my very loud applause.

I would like to further recognize and sincerely thank all of Vermont’s outstanding school principals for their dedication and service..

With gratitude and thanks,

Superintendent Brigid Nease

Harwood Unified Union School District 

Editor’s note: Denise Goodnow and Sarah Schoolcraft are principal and assistant principal at Thatcher Brook Primary School in Waterbury; Tom Drake and Josh Estes are principal and assistant principal at Crossett Brook Middle School in Duxbury; Megan McDonough and Laurie Greenberg are co-principals at Harwood Union High School;  Duane Pierson is HU assistant principal at Harwood Middle School; Mandy Couturier is principal at Moretown Elementary; Kaiya Korb is Waitsfield Elementary School principal; Celia Hooker is principal at Fayston Elementary School; Sam Krotinger is principal at The Warren School.


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