Commentary: ‘This is a Test’

May 1, 2021 | By Kathi Tarrant

Editor’s note: Kary Mullis, who developed the PCR test and won the 1993 Nobel Prize in chemistry, died in August 2019 before COVID-19 was identified. 

Some of us may recall the Emergency Broadcast System announcing on radio and/or television a “test” set to occur as it was a visual and/or auditory disruption to the local, state, and federal programming schedule. 

Originally instituted by President John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s, the test was officially released in 1965 during the Cold War era — to warn the American people. Its function eventually became relegated to that of something (mostly) weather-related. “THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING” message never became a reality. 

This is an example of how a possibility became a probability as instituted by government-controlled media sources. A warning — seemingly well-intentioned — helped to establish trust in government, media outlets, medical/health authorities, etc. Today, “This Is A Test” as it relates to warning people of infection by a virus has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. The prospective “invader” is now considered a “virus” as announced/acted upon in multitudinous ways throughout our daily lives via media outlets or mandate-related. 

How do you (really) find out if there is an invasion of sorts while the media conglomerates continue to define the narrative despite the fact the inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis has stated otherwise, for example? The PCR test has been circling the globe for over a year now as it relates to establishing “cases” and continues to be recommended as an indicator as to whether someone is infected with COVID-19 or not.

If anyone is truly willing/able to research, you will find there to be evidence to the contrary. During the Cold War, it was the boogey man of communism. I’m not saying that communism is not to be feared. I am merely questioning the appropriateness of news sources supporting narratives that are not based in factual analysis. 

In addition, using fear tactics as it suits a self-serving narrative that flies in the face of what it means to be a free, independent thinker — God forbid — is news that should be censored. Put simply, major network news has become another form of entertainment. As it involves “This Is a Test,” it evades establishing trust which is primarily process-oriented and should not be confused with propaganda. 

We should not take for granted that our government knows what’s best. Imagine allowing someone to enter your home (body) simply because you wish to eradicate the decision-making process. Fear knows no boundaries. We must learn to trust our own reasoning capabilities, continue exercising rights as endowed by our creator and help to establish better ways of safeguarding our future as Americans. 

“In the space of caring but incisive questioning, truth is given room to make itself known.” – Parker J. Palmer, author 

Waterbury resident Kathi Tarrant is a professional musician and music educator. 


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