LETTER: Urging leaders to listen, learn, evolve

November 1, 2020  |  By Kate McCracken

To the Community:

I am appalled and disappointed that Selectboard Chair Chris Viens suggested segregating our police force. But I’m not just disappointed because the language and the idea itself is offensive. I am disappointed because a little over four months ago, he made different but still damaging racist statements in a selectboard meeting. At that time, I gave him the benefit of the doubt like some of you are now. I sent him and the board a letter in July detailing the multiple statements that Mr. Viens made at the select board meeting and why they were problematic. I tried to offer explanations and resources, and purposely did not call him out publicly because I thought he deserved the chance to learn from his mistakes. It is clear now that he didn’t even try. We need to hold our leaders accountable for the things they say because words matter and so does the ability to listen, learn and evolve.

Here is an excerpt from my July letter to Mr. Viens:

“I am sending this directly to you and the rest of the select board who present as white, in the hopes that your body can improve for the sake of our community.  I am not posting a rant on social media for everyone who voted you in to see, because I believe that you still have a chance to reflect within yourself about the biases that you may have and racist statements that you may make. As white allies we are always making mistakes. We are human. But as white allies it is our duty to constantly be learning, changing and growing as we receive new information. I hope that this email is just the start for you. I hope you can go to the library and check out a few books by black authors about their experiences in America. I hope you can read books by black authors in Vermont like Jeffrey Brace, the first African American citizen of Poultney, Vt., or Emily Bernard, a UVM professor. I hope you also make space for People of Color in your own community to use their voices too. Your voice has power and I hope to see you use it to help make our community better. Sincerely, A newly registered voter, Kate McCracken.”

Kate McCracken




Chris Viens: Announcement to step down as select board chair


LETTER: Early childhood community loses advocate and champion, Mariah McGill