LETTER: Sen. Perchlik in support of Sen. Ashe for lt. governor

July 26, 2020  |  By Sen. Andrew Perchlik

To the Editor:  

Knowing the challenges facing our state, I’m confident Tim Ashe is who we need working with us as our next lieutenant governor.  Tim has built a tremendous level of knowledge of the processes, pitfalls, and policies of  state government. That’s served Vermont well as he helped lead us through the pandemic and will continue to be vital in supporting the governor and legislators struggling to address the vast budget and health care issues facing them. We know from his extraordinary communication during COVID that Tim will be able to open up the doors to the legislative process to Vermonters who aren’t represented by lobbyists.

Tim’s experience and policy knowhow gives him a distinct advantage over others when it comes to being able to immediately and effectively support the policies we want to get passed, and signed into law. Whether it is increased renewable energy, affordable housing, criminal justice reform, better internet access, weatherization, helping new Americans be successful in Vermont, or new initiatives like Tim’s plan to expand the Youth Conservation Corps, Tim will be making a positive difference from day one.  In the midst of a pandemic, that readiness is absolutely essential.

Tim has formed trusted relationships with legislators, non-profit organizations, and working Vermonters. He is like a farmer that built the soil and planted an orchard understanding that today’s hard work pays off with bountiful harvests tomorrow. With Tim Ashe as our next lieutenant governor that harvest will be a more just, fair, and environmentally sound Vermont. 

Sen. Andrew Perchlik


Perchlik, a Democrat/Progressive, is a state senator representing Washington County. Ashe, of Burlington, is a D/P state senator representing Chittenden County and a candidate for lieutenant governor.  


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