LETTER: Public Assets Institute reacts to Gov. Phil Scott’s budget address

January 29, 2025

To the Community: 

Gov. Phil Scott said again today he would reform education by doing more with less. We're hearing understandable concerns about his plan. While we don't know all the details yet, we've heard this promise before—and don’t have a lot to show for it.

Here’s what we do know: Vermonters want good schools and fair taxes.

Right now, low- and middle-income Vermonters pay more of their income to support schools than the richest Vermonters. And the biggest cost drivers in recent years, like healthcare and inflation, are out of school districts’ control. Until we address those underlying problems, any changes won’t do much to help kids, communities, or taxpayers.

Sarah Lyons, director of operations

Public Assets Institute

Public Assets Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization in Montpelier that promotes sound state budget, tax, and economic policies that benefit all Vermonters.


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