LETTER: Local writers invited to journalism workshop

January 23, 2022 

Dear local news readers,

A thriving democracy relies on an informed and engaged electorate. Local news, in particular, is essential to civic engagement, trust, voter participation, and community vitality. Yet around the country and even in Vermont – local news has been decimated – and many of our small papers face many challenges. Yet, the work of covering local stories and local government is more important than ever.

Through the Community News Service – a University of Vermont initiative – we are offering a free six-part media training course to provide training in basic reporting skills, from interviewing to sourcing to media ethics and photography. Attendees will learn about how journalism works and produce at least one published piece to journalism values standards and values. Starting on Feb. 1 via ZOOM, and continuing for six weeks. Spaces are limited.


Richard Watts, University of Vermont

Director, Center for Research on Vermont

Co-Director, Reporting & Documentary Storytelling

Senior lecturer,  College of Arts & Sciences


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