LETTER: From planner to candidate, Alyssa Johnson seeks Waterbury Select Board seat
Feb. 15, 2022
To the community:
My name is Alyssa Johnson, and I am running for a 1-year term on the Waterbury Select Board.
You may have met me attending a Planning Commission meeting, walking or skiing on the Cross Vermont Trail, or pre-pandemic, working at Pro Pig brewery on Sundays.
I am running for Select Board because I love Waterbury, I believe in the power and importance of local government, and I think it is important for the Select Board to include and encourage participation from across our community. In 2022, the Select Board will make important and lasting decisions about local priorities, policies, and leadership. In approaching these decisions, it is critical that the Select Board lead, encourage input, and set direction.
From 2017-2020 I worked as the Economic Development Director for Revitalizing Waterbury. In this role, I met with, listened to, and learned from a wide range of Waterbury business owners, employees, and residents. I collaborated with volunteer boards and town staff, and I gained an appreciation of the areas where local government has a direct impact on community members.
In 2021, I was appointed as a member of the Planning Commission. As chair, I have collaborated with Planning Commission members from a variety of backgrounds to build consensus about proposed zoning for the community. Professionally, I work as a Community Projects Associate at the Vermont Council on Rural Development, where I support community-led projects across the state. This work has strengthened my belief in the power of local leadership to positively impact communities.
I am thrilled to live in Waterbury and I appreciate the wealth of assets our town offers: natural resources, dedicated volunteers and staff, strong local infrastructure, and a robust business community. I am running for Select Board because I want Waterbury to be a vibrant and welcoming place for all to live, work, and play. To learn more about me, and share your ideas, please visit bit.ly/AlyssaForWaterbury online or email me at AlyssaForWaterbury@gmail.com. Thank you for your consideration.
Alyssa Johnson is a candidate for one of two one-year seats on the Waterbury Select Board. Courtesy photo
Alyssa Johnson