LETTER: It takes a village to love its seniors

November 20, 2020  |  Margo Sayah

To the community: 

During this time of physical distancing, our homebound community members may be craving a little personal engagement.

The Waterbury Historical Society's Outreach Education Committee has an opportunity to enrich the lives of some of our Waterbury senior citizens.

We invite community members to provide a small gift that will be delivered with Meals on Wheels lunches each week in December. We will need 80 items – one for each recipient of Meals on Wheels – so you could partner with a friend or two. 

Some ideas: personal notes, handmade holiday cards, stamps, note-cards, handmade ornaments. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, no homemade food items can be included.  

We'll begin sending gifts the first week in December. (This could be a great project to do with the kiddos while they're home for Thanksgiving break.)

Please call Margo Sayah (244-7201) or email mmsayah@comcast.net if you have questions, want ideas, or wish to participate. I'll need your name, email or phone number, items you'd like to donate and which week you'd like to drop them off downtown. I will schedule the drop off date, place and time when you contact me.

Thank you for helping make this holiday season a little brighter for some of our neighbors.

Margo Sayah



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