LETTER: Reader suggests COVID-19 protocol pledge

July 31, 2020  |  By Brendan Coyne

To the Community: 


In listening to both the local and national conversation on starting schools back up, it seems there is a lack of trust in one another to take necessary precautions to keep each other safe. 

Kids, parents, teachers, staff, administration are experiencing varying levels of fear about going back, and understandably so. One thing that came up as an action step is to create a community pledge where we promise to each other to follow protocol. I created one and am asking that (if you agree) you sign it and please pass it on through social media, campaigning, etc, to get the word out. 

If it gains support it will be a way to show the Scott administration and school decision makers that we support our schools and will do what it takes to get them open. The form can be found online here.

Brendan Coyne



Your vote is your voice, however you exercise it this year


Message from Cold Hollow Cider Mill owner Paul Brown, July 25