Vermont’s school librarians weigh in on gun violence

May 26, 2022  |  By the Vermont School Library Association

The following was submitted by Meg Boisseau Allison, U-32 Middle & High School teacher-librarian, who serves as president of the Vermont School Library Association.  

May 25, 2022

On behalf of the Vermont School Library Association, we have issued a statement on gun violence in the wake of the preventable tragedy at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

May the deaths of these precious children and their teachers not be in vain. May their loving families be comforted in their darkest hour.  

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In response to the murders of 19 children and 2 educators in Uvalde, Texas, the Vermont School Library Association denounces gun violence of all kinds. While we won’t pretend to know the exact answer to this societal poison, we must use our voice, no matter how small, to call for action.

As an organization, we are striving to move beyond the cliche of libraries as “safe spaces” because we know that so much work needs to be done to make our libraries truly safe and affirming learning environments for our students, especially those from historically marginalized and oppressed races, ethnicities, genders,

sexualities, abilities, languages, religions, classes, immigration statuses, and more.

Physical safety is the first step. Children must be physically safe at school. Very little learning can take place when this essential need is not met. 

Today, when our learners arrive at school, and we try to process together on “the day after” as we’ve done countless times from Buffalo to Atlanta to Parkland to Pulse to Oak Creek to Sandy Hook and beyond, we will do our best to hold community space with compassion, to listen, to offer resources and support, but that will mean little if those in power, in our local offices, in Montpelier, and in Washington, DC, don’t act. 

Something must be done. This violence must end. Our children deserve a better future.

The Vermont School Library Association’s Executive Board is Meg Allison, president; Peter Langella, past president; Charles Dabritz, president-elect; Megan Sutton, treasurer; Shannon DeSantis Gile, secretary.


COMMENTARY: Child abuse is preventable, and gun violence is child abuse


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