LETTER: Still time to join school board election

Jan. 29, 2022

To the community: 

Many hands make light work…

Our schools are the hub of our community…

We want better outcomes for our students…

I bet you all have heard these phrases and more!  Now is the time to run for the school board if you have ever had an interest or desire to make a difference in your schools, education, and community.

Two years ago I took the risk of running for the Waterbury seat and was honored to take the challenge that was before me in making a difference in our district. I will be honest, it wasn’t easy, but I have learned a tremendous amount about our district and the school community we have for our students. I will also share, I am glad I took the risk.  

As our district begins to go through many new changes with a new superintendent, finance director, and human resource director, we have a wonderful opportunity before us to be a part of a critical time for students, teachers, and the community. The important work we have outlined before us is around supporting our new leadership, equity, fixing Harwood, and teacher/student retainment. This important work cannot get done without the community’s help to step up and become a school board member.  

Unfortunately the deadline to have one’s name on the Town Meeting Day ballot is past, but if you are interested, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or other board members at cen-huusdboard@huusd.org and one of us can support your interest and help get your name out there as a write in. In addition, here is a link to a FAQ document about the board.

What are the opportunities? Currently there are two school board seats on the March 1 ballot for Waterbury: a 3-year term with one candidate running, and another seat with two years remaining on the term but no candidate running. 

Similarly in Duxbury, a 3-year seat on the ballot has no candidate running; a second seat has one year remaining on a term and the incumbent is on the ballot.

In the valley, Fayston and Warren each have one three-year seat on the ballot with no candidates. In Waitsfield, one candidate has filed to run for a three-year seat. 

Thank you for considering this commitment to our schools and community. I hope to see some new faces at the board table in March!

Kelley Hackett, Waterbury Center 

HUUSD school director for Waterbury


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