LETTER: Food Shelf turkey donations fill pickups
November 20, 2020 | Dani Kehlmann
Waterbury Rotary Club volunteers Sue Johansen and John Malter wave to passersby alongside their collection pickup during the food shelf turkey drive last weekend. The event collected 150 turkeys for area families along with additional food donations and more than $2,200 in cash contributions. Photo by Gordon Miller.
Waterbury Area Food Shelf Director Dani Kehlmann, who started in her job this fall, works her first Thanksgiving Turkey Drive last Saturday along Main Street. The turkey hat came with the job, she said. Photo courtesy Dana Allen.
To the community:
In a year of change and uncertainty, one thing remains constant: the Waterbury community is unwavering in its generosity. The annual Rotary Club and Food Shelf Turkey Drive was a success by any standards, especially considering the challenges 2020 continues to throw our way. We had assistance from Rotary Club members including state Rep.Theresa Wood.
During the turkey drive we collected 100 turkeys and 25 bags of food for our friends and neighbors. S.T. Paving donated 30 turkeys bringing our total to 130 birds! Gobble gobble! Not only that, but many folks got creative with their contributions and drove - or jogged - by to drop off financial gifts. Others stayed warm and cozy at home as they donated via PayPal. This year’s Thanksgiving Turkey Drive raised an unprecedented $2,210!
This unwavering commitment to a strong and healthy community reminds us that we are never alone. The Waterbury Area Food Shelf is here to help individuals and families in our area that need short or long term food assistance. If you or someone you know could use a little help this winter, please let them know about the Waterbury Area Food Shelf.
Dani Kehlmann, director
Waterbury Area Food Shelf