LETTER: Collecting school supplies for children in resettled families

May 12, 2020  |  By Ellie Odefey

Dear Waterbury community,

My name is Ellie Odefey and I work with an organization called Refugee Outreach Club, which is a student-led initiative to support communities with refugee and migrant experiences in Vermont. As we all know, COVID-19 is affecting all of us, however, not everyone is affected equally. Some folks, especially essential workers, low-income communities, and communities of color, are disproportionately affected during this pandemic. 

In order to help support our neighbors, ROC is working with the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program to get needed supplies to resettled families in Vermont. Now that students are being forced to work and learn from home, there is an increased demand for donated school supplies and we need your help! The Harwood Union High School chapter is working with other high schools across Vermont to coordinate a statewide drive, and our role in this is collecting plain paper, lined paper, markers, crayons, and folders.

If you can donate, please email me at elianevose@gmail.com by Friday, May 15 with your name, address, phone number, and items you are donating, and I will coordinate with you personally to do a curbside pick-up. Thank you all for your continued support during these difficult times!

Ellie Odefey, Waterbury


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