Class of 2020—Celebrate if you can

May 20, 2020  |  By John Kerrigan

Harwood Union High School seniors deserve a graduation ceremony. We all agree that the pandemic has created issues concerning this traditional graduation event. However, one’s journey should never end with a stumble.    

This class is unique. They have faced adversity several times. They were born only a year or two after the tragedy of 9/11. They were in middle school when our community suffered the loss of five students in a horrific automobile crash. This year, Covid-19 has forced them to cancel the prom, spring sports seasons, and final musical and theatrical performances.  Though there is no education like adversity, it is one’s reaction to adversity – and not the adversity itself – that determines how one’s life story will develop.

As a teacher and coach for 41 years, my students and student-athletes have suffered major setbacks. In my science classes, when students were identifying bacteriological unknowns, at times they became frustrated and felt trapped. I encouraged them to think differently, try something new, or research alternatives. 

In track and field, athletes would get injured or sick before an important meet. Their teammates made sacrifices to fill the gap. Sprinters became hurdlers, jumpers became vaulters, and javelin throwers became shot-putters. This esprit de corps helped Harwood win many state titles.

‘A wounded deer leaps highest’ (Emily Dickinson)

For the class of 2020’s graduation, we need to think differently and try something new. As a community let’s join together in spirit and help celebrate this very special class.

I urge the Harwood administration to create and develop a unique ceremony.  For ideas look to the World Wide Web.  

For example one that caught the interest of many in the school district was the proposed graduation ceremony for seniors at Kennett High School in North Conway, N.H., (also a ski town). Graduates will be receiving their diplomas after a chair lift ride to the summit of Cranmore Mountain.

There are those that may say, the fear of litigation would never allow something like this at Harwood.   This fear has abruptly halted many original ideas. Our community abounds with risk-takers, innovators and problem solvers. Let’s show this class that we can overcome obstacles together.  

Imagine if you can:  

Seniors riding a ski lift, (no social distancing necessary on the single chair at Mad River Glen) to the summit of General Stark or on their way to the summit of Lincoln Peak at Sugarbush. The sounds of bagpipes fill the air as family, friends and community members on the beautiful trails below shout encouragement. At the summit, socially distanced faculty wearing black and gold facemasks embroidered with “2020” greet the graduates. The class of 2020 would receive their diplomas on an artistically crafted podium designed by local engineers and artists. Their photos would be taken with the backdrop of the Mad River Valley below.

By now we all know that the Covid viral epidemic crisis originated in China. When written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters: One character represents danger; the other represents opportunity. 

Let’s make the best of an opportunity to give our seniors the most unique, creative graduation ceremony ever!

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Former Harwood Union High School science teacher, John Kerrigan is head coach of the HU Cross-Country program.


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