LETTER: Duxbury town officials look to improve public communication

July 26, 2022

To the community: 

The Duxbury Selectboard announces an effort to improve communication between the town’s boards and officers and the residents of the town and are implementing a townwide email communication service.

The effort is intended to provide timely and accurate information to the residents regarding the actions and decisions of the boards in the town and notifications from town officers. The process is being organized as a one-way line of communication to all residents with email addresses. Any questions, suggestions or feedback should be addressed directly with the appropriate board or town office. A list of all town officers and contact info is available on the town website duxburyvt.org.

In addition to providing news on the town government activities, we also see the opportunity to keep residents posted on Highway Department plans including potential closing of roads for routine maintenance and emergency situations.  Information regarding grant applications for town infrastructure and other projects will be passed on. Notices for deadlines on property tax payments, dog licenses, voter registration, election schedules, Green Up Day, etc. will help residents stay updated.  

The process is very simple, go to the town website under contact - duxburyvermont.org/contact - and complete the Town Email List Subscription form and you will be placed on the townwide email list.  

This process is entirely voluntary and you may remove yourself at any time from the list.  Please address any questions or suggestions to the Duxbury Selectboard.  We look forward to keeping everyone better informed.  

The Duxbury Selectboard

Mari Pratt, chair

Jerry McMahan, vice chair 

Richard Charland

Jamison Ervin 

Mike Marotto


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