COMMENTARY: Guns are not the problem

Candidate joins House race

June 4, 2022  |  By Kathi Tarrant 

Guns are NOT the problem. “Fear porn” and “false-flag events” ARE. As it relates to another manufactured crisis, the exercising of one’s right to keep and bear arms is God-given. Period. 

Unfortunately, this has been called into question once again as certain individuals in government seem intent on convincing as many as possible that an event really DID happen in THIS way, and/or for THAT reason in hopes of dampening our reasoning capabilities. In the meantime, mainstream media is working overtime to keep the constant drama, drama, drama queens alive. In short, and as a reminder, their sole purpose is to entertain which includes but not limited to the use of neuro-linguistics or mind-control as exemplified by the current spate of crazy, loner, kid shooters. 

Schools today are being used primarily for the propagandizing of youth i.e. screw with their heads—just long enough to get them to acquiesce to another jab, another test, the mask of many colors, a state-sanctioned sex change, a crash course in self-harm…when all they really want is to be loved, understood and appreciated for who they are as individuals. Can’t really do that with a mask on, can you? Their rights are being violated, but they have been so conditioned to obey authority figures that claim to be “experts,” they give up/in when innately, they want it to stop…the pain of not knowing what’s happening and/or the confusion as it relates to a government that doesn’t make sense. It is here that we need to consider the importance of sharing our wisdom and understanding; of who we are under God and that the right to bear arms is a SACRED RIGHT.

The continuance of false-flag events is another way to trigger an emotional response so that more and more well-meaning Vermonters will embrace the idea of gun control. We must keep in mind it won’t stop at age limitation or gun calibration. In the “big pic,” it is nothing short of an attempt to apply a slow walk towards totalitarianism; to depopulate and then to rule with an iron fist…an already traumatized populace. After all, it’s in the old playbook: unlawful mandates followed by acts of coercion/terrorism and then the confiscation of firearms. This time around, we’re being “engineered” from afar by people that don’t give a hoot about Vermonters. In fact, they refer to us as “hackable animals.” 

Remember, we may be dumbed down once, but twice and there’s gonna be hell to pay! In other words, we get mad and then we get even. That’s the American way; a nation conceived in anger—and in hatred, and in hunger—no less than it is conceived in love. Equanimity is nice and all, but we will need to increase the pressure by increasing our participation in government. 

I am running for office because I strongly feel that big government is causing the greatest harm. It’s a hindrance to human enterprise and personal freedom. As a mom and a seasoned pro musician who has loved and lived in Vermont 30 years, I feel called to serve, because TRUTH MATTERS, TRANSPARENCY MATTERS, OPPORTUNITY MATTERS and our CHILDREN MATTER above all else. They are incalculable gifts from above.

Waterbury resident Kathi Tarrant is a Republican candidate for the Chittenden-Washington Vermont House district. 


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