News Briefs | May 5

Revitalizing Waterbury launches gift card campaign

In recent weeks, Revitalizing Waterbury has focused on navigating the COVID-19 closures by hosting conference calls, compiling lists both for and from businesses, and recently launching a gift-card campaign. 

With the theme “We Love Waterbury” using a little heart symbol for the “love” part, RW has published online a list of more than 30 local businesses offering gift certificates for purchase. 

Some companies are closed due to the coronavirus restrictions, others are open doing modified, limited hours and services. In all cases, purchases of gift cards now will provide business owners a short-term boost. 

“Gift cards allow businesses to maintain cash flow and plan for the future,” the RW website explains in introducing the campaign. “We recognize that not all people are able to financially support businesses, and we encourage you to consider other ways to share the love – including sharing the campaign and leaving a note about why you love Waterbury.”

The campaign comes as RW staff have ramped up their efforts over the past six weeks to address the myriad of issues facing local businesses given the Stay Home, Stay Safe order from the state. 

The organization has become a local clearinghouse for updates for employers and self-employed community members. RW staff have been facilitating weekly conference calls for Stowe and Waterbury-area businesses Tuesdays at 1 p.m. 

It’s posted information and links to websites, particularly from state and federal government sources. Find out more and sign up for email updates online at or call 793-6029. 

May 31 new deadline for dog licenses

Town government has extended the deadline for licensing dogs to May 31. Recent reminders to dog owners to do so by April 1 have been superseded by this extension.

Dog for newsbrief on licenses.jpg

Town Clerk Carla Lawrence asks dog owners to renew their licenses by mail if possible. The fee is $11 for a spayed/neutered dog and $15 for an unspayed / unneutered dog.  A current rabies certificate is needed. 

Please send the appropriate license fee by check payable to the Town of Waterbury. Include a copy of a current rabies certificate for each dog being licensed.  Mail to: Waterbury Town Clerk, 28 North Main St., Suite 1, Waterbury, VT 05676. 

New licenses will be mailed to dog owners. 

Town offices remain closed to the public at this time. Town officials may be reached by phone on weekdays. Town clerk: 244-8447; town manager: 244-7033. 

Green Up Day postponed to May 30

The 2020 Green Up poster was the winning poster contest entry designed by Champlain Valley Union High School 10th grader Heather Anne Lee. / Photo Courtesy Green Up Vermont

The 2020 Green Up poster was the winning poster contest entry designed by Champlain Valley Union High School 10th grader Heather Anne Lee. / Photo Courtesy Green Up Vermont

Green Up Vermont announced a delay for this year’s annual Green Up activities to May 30, the last Saturday of May. 

The decision was made based on the state’s Stay Home, Stay Safe order in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. That order is in effect through May 15.

This will be the 50th year for Green Up in Vermont, which usually is held on the first Saturday in May. 

Local details regarding bags and collection on May 30  will be announced soon, according to local Green Up coordinators. Current guidance will be for volunteers participating in Green Up to do so following public health recommendations such as social distancing and wearing a cloth face mask when around others. 

In their announcement for the delay, statewide organizers noted that although May 30 is the planned date, they will still look for final guidance from the Vermont Department of Health and Gov. Phil Scott.

“Green Up is a well-loved event that will bring some normalcy to our communities and will help contribute to the physical, social and mental health of Vermonters as much as their Green Up activities will help beautify our state. We look forward to Greening Up safely on May 30,” the announcement stated. 

More information is online at


COVID-19 brings spring thaw to Waterbury’s Ice Center


Duxbury offices open by appointment; board chooses new paper of record