Duxbury offices open by appointment; board chooses new paper of record

May 3, 2020  |  By Anne Imhoff
Sign spotted on Scrabble Hill. Photo by Lisa Scagliotti

Sign spotted on Scrabble Hill. Photo by Lisa Scagliotti

The Duxbury Town Office is open to the public by appointment only until further notice in conformance with the current state Stay Home, Stay Safe order. 

One visitor is allowed into the office at a time and they will be asked to adhere to social distancing, wash hands upon arrival, and wear a mask, according to the town website. 

A dropbox outside the offices may be used for transactions. More details are online at duxburyvermont.org

Town Clerk Maureen Harvey and Assistant Town Clerks Myra Perry and Bonnie Morse are available by phone, 244-6660 and email DuxTC@myfairpoint.net.

The Duxbury Selectboard will continue to meet on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. Chair Kevin Garcia said members will connect by conference phone call. The public may participate and the call-in number will be posted with the meeting agenda ahead of time. 

Audio recording of meetings may be found on the town website in the selectboard section. 

At the April 27 meeting, the board chose Seven Days as the newspaper of record for town government business. The town previously relied on the Waterbury Record for its official advertising until the paper folded at the end of March. 

The Valley Reporter covered the Duxbury Selectboard’s April 27 meeting. Read that coverage here.


News Briefs | May 5