Procrastinators and traditionalists can vote in person Nov. 3

October 31, 2020  | By Lisa Scagliotti

Although thousands of Vermonters have already sent in their ballots for the general election, local town clerks and election workers are ready to handle the remainder in person on Tuesday. 

Daphne Jackson, circulation assistant at the Waterbury Public Library, checks out the library donation box for the Waterbury Area Food Shelf.  Read about how to donate to the Election Day Food Drive here. Courtesy photo.

Daphne Jackson, circulation assistant at the Waterbury Public Library, checks out the library donation box for the Waterbury Area Food Shelf. Read about how to donate to the Election Day Food Drive here. Courtesy photo.

Here’s the latest from the state and both Waterbury and Duxbury town clerks on how to vote between now and 7 p.m. on Nov. 3 when the polls across the state close. 

This year Election Day is the last day to vote - not the only one - and Vermonters got on board with early voting in a big way once the state mailed every registered voter a ballot. 

As of Friday according to the Secretary of State’s office 235,298 ballots had been turned in around Vermont. That’s 73% of the total turnout in the 2016 presidential election. 

In Waterbury, 2,641 ballots have come back, more than 63% of the voter checklist, according to the Secretary of State’s office. Fifty-five percent of Duxbury’s voters had returned their ballots.  

Voters may still drop their marked ballots off at their town offices through Monday or at the polls on Tuesday. 

Those voting in person in Waterbury are asked to follow public health guidance to wear masks and be mindful of distancing to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Duxbury’s setup will ask voters to remain in their cars on Tuesday. 

And organizers of the annual Election Day food drive still hope voters remember to donate this year, but the collection will not be happening at the polls. Read more about how to contribute here. 


Waterbury Town Clerk Carla Lawrence shared these instructions to voters: “There are just a few days remaining until Election Day. For the safety of poll workers and voters alike, we would encourage you to vote absentee and leave your ballot in the secure drop box at the entrance of the Municipal Center.” 

For those planning to vote in person, the polls will be open Tuesday, Nov. 3 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Thatcher Brook Primary School gym. Voters are asked to use the school’s main entrance on the Stowe Street side of the school. 

During the day Tuesday, voters may drop off their marked ballots that they received in the mail anytime at the school. The drop box at the Municipal Center will be available but will close at 5:15 p.m. Return any marked ballots after that at Thatcher Brook only, Lawrence said.  

The in-person process may take extra time to maintain social distancing practices and sanitize voting areas, Lawrence explained. Masks will be required. If an individual is unable to wear a mask, accommodations will be made for them to vote safely, she said. To help move the process along, in-person voters are asked to bring their mailed ballot with them if they still have it. “If you were mailed a ballot, please bring it with you to the polls. If your ballot was lost or otherwise destroyed, you will be asked to sign an affidavit prior to voting,” Lawrence said.

“This election is unprecedented in terms of voter participation amidst the pandemic. We appreciate your patience,” Lawrence concluded.

Questions? Call 244-8447 or email


Town Clerk Maureen Harvey wants those planning to vote in person on Tuesday to know where they need to go. “First and foremost, the polling place for Duxbury has changed from the Crossett Brook Middle School to just up the hill at the Duxbury town offices, 5421 VT Route 100. We will be doing drive-thru voting again, so you will stay in your car,” she said.   

Voters may return absentee ballots to the office Monday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. “You may bring them to the office counter, one person at a time with a mask on. We also have a secure lockbox outside the door where you can deposit your ballot at any time,” Harvey said.

On Tuesday, drive-thru voting will be open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. “There will be two lanes: The express lane will be for people that have their ballots completed and in a signed certificate envelope. Just put them in the ballot box and follow the lane back out to Route 100,” Harvey explained.    

“Others who want to vote will remain in their cars and follow the lane to the check-in where they will need to fill out an affidavit along with their ballot. Once your ballot is marked, you will proceed to the check-out and deposit your ballot.”

And finally: “Please drop your ballot off early to make this election as easy as possible in these challenging times for our hard-working election staff,” Harvey asked. 

Contact the Duxbury Town Clerk’s office at 244-6660 or


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