Board looks to hire new manager on Monday

September 18, 2022 | By Lisa Scagliotti

The hiring process for Waterbury’s next municipal manager is nearly complete and the Waterbury Select Board is looking to approve a contract for their top choice on Monday.

The board held a special meeting on Thursday, Sept. 15, largely in executive session to go over the details of a proposed contract. 

That step followed in-person interviews the previous week with three finalists from the recruitment and selection process. One candidate was chosen and the consultant from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns working with the board was tasked with completing reference and background checks. 

By Thursday, the board was reviewing contract language and making revisions for a final look by the town attorney and the candidate. 

When the board finished its executive session, Board Chair Mike Bard said the members were in “100% in agreement” on the final draft. It was to next go to lawyer Joe McLean for review and then to the candidate. 

“On Monday, we hope to enter an employment agreement with our selected applicant,” Bard said. 

At that time, he added, the board would announce who their choice is. 

Throughout the process, the identities of the applicants, including the three finalists and top choice – referred to only as “Candidate #22” – have remained mostly confidential.

The selection process involved having the Select Board, the Edward Farrar Utility District Board of Commissioners, and library commission members on the Selection Committee interview seven candidates in a first round of meetings via Zoom. The second round of interviews included an additional committee of six community members for in-person interviews of the three finalists who also met some town staff including current Municipal Manager Bill Shepeluk.

The selection committee said it began with a pool of 32 applicants. All of those chosen for interviews were men and the finalists were described as being from Vermont.

Town officials aim to have a new manager hired and at work by November in order to transition for several weeks with Shepeluk who plans to retire at the end of the year. 

The Select Board meets Monday at 7 p.m. in the Steele Community Room at the town offices and via zoom online. The agenda is online at


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