Duxbury Road Work | July 27
July 27, 2024 | By Waterbury Roundabout
Workers from Winterset in Lyndonville near the end of the bridge repair on Vermont Route 100 near Ward Hill Road on Thursday. Photo by Gordon Miller
This update focuses on Duxbury where Winterset, the Lyndonville contractor hired by the Vermont Agency of Transportation to repair the Vermont Route 100 bridge near Ward Hill Road, completed enough of the project to open the road to traffic by the end of the day on Friday. Workers will still be on site early next week for shoulder work and debris removal with just one travel lane open at times. Motorists are asked to use caution when passing through the work zone here and other sections along Rt. 100 in Duxbury.
Duxbury town officials sent out an email update on road repairs and conditions today. That is printed below in full. The key highlights:
Stevens Brook Road repairs are expected to be completed this coming week with the road then open through to Moretown.
Camels Hump Road continues to be one-lane width, in poor condition and worsening. Access is limited to local traffic only and the weight limit was lowered as well. A bridge inspection turned up issues with the bridge above Marshall Road that will need attention soon.
The Duxbury Selectboard will have a special meeting Monday evening to address some pressing decisions regarding Camels Hump Road and to set the town tax rate. The agenda is not yet posted but look for it on the Selectboard webpage. Meetings generally begin at 6:30 p.m. in person and via Zoom.

Below is the latest from Duxbury Selectboard.
From the Duxbury Selectboard
Work continues on putting Duxbury roads back together and hopefully in the next couple of weeks we should be in good shape, we appreciate everyone’s patience. A member of our road crew sustained an injury and we are now down to two members. We are grateful for their hard work as well as the contractors who are working so hard throughout the town. Thankfully, Vermont Rte. 100 is finally open, though for some, the respite from traffic was welcome. We anticipate Stevens Brook Road to be open some time in the coming week.
Camels Hump Road continues to challenge us: One of the problems is an ongoing one; the second arose as a result of a biannual bridge inspection by the state.
A spot on upper Camels Hump Road above Scrabble Hill Road has been an ongoing issue since last winter and is now settling and narrowing the road to one lane. The Selectboard closed Camels Hump Road to all but resident and service traffic and asked the state to post access to the Camels Hump Park trailhead closed in Duxbury. There has been a dramatic reduction in cars on the road, unfortunately there are still people who believe the restrictions do not apply to them.
Our actions are designed to minimize impact on a fragile section of road critical for the 10 or so residences above it to have continued safe access. There cannot be a more important reason for these self-serving people to flagrantly trespass in this situation that they willingly do not adhere to the restrictions.
The Selectboard at a Special Meeting Monday night, 7/29/24, will vote to approve a proposal prepared by Dale E. Percy Contractors to repair this section of road. Currently, this work is scheduled to start 8/12/24. There is no need for anyone to visit the site, please respect the needs of the residents. Duxbury had a similar situation after the spring storm in 2011. A lower section of Camels Hump Road was similarly affected, the time span until it was repaired was approximately four months. We anticipate repair much sooner [this time].
The State of Vermont Bridge Division conducted their biannual bridge inspection in Duxbury. Bridge 41, just above Marshall Road, requires repairs to the uphill abutment. Scouring at the base of the abutment needs to be addressed. We contacted Parent Construction, a firm familiar with bridge repair. The placement of grout bags, the recommended repair, at the abutment is tentatively scheduled to take place this coming week.
Out an abundance of caution, the Selectboard lowered the weight limit on Camels Hump Road to 12,000 lbs. and posted such. We’ve been made aware that some people do not believe this applies to them choosing to move heavy excavation equipment up the road. Our decision was not a cavalier one, anyone who recalls Irene remembers how the majority of Camels Hump Road residents were left stranded when this same bridge was rearranged by the flood waters. This is a temporary restriction, please heed it.
The Selectboard at the meeting 7/29/24 will also set the tax rate for the town. Feedback from surrounding communities has seen an increase in their tax rates primarily due to the state portion. Unfortunately, we have no direct control over this. If we don’t have one already, I propose a new State of Vermont official state song: “You Can’t Always Get What You Want!!”
Finally, the CReW group operating out of Waterbury continues to need volunteers. Their work providing support to those affected by the flooding the past two years has been admirable. They have helped residents in surrounding towns including Duxbury. Please seriously consider reaching out and volunteering your efforts, those affected are truly grateful.
~ submitted by Selectboard Chair Richard Charland