Senior Center reopens for Wednesday meals; open house on Saturday
July 9, 2021 | By Justin Blackman
The Waterbury Area Senior Center has reopened for sit-down midday meals on Wednesdays. Some attendees at the June 23 lunch included (left to right) Don Bicknell, state Rep. Theresa Wood and her husband Gordon Wood, Shirley Landry, and Melvin Quesnell. Courtesy photo
Over the past year, COVID-19 hit our local senior population hard. Early in the pandemic in 2020, those in the older age groups were told to stay home and self-isolate and the Waterbury Area Senior Center was forced to close its doors for congregate meals.
Throughout the pandemic, our Meals on Wheels deliveries increased as our patrons did what was asked of them and stayed at home. Our staff of three kept things going with very limited volunteer help. The senior center's volunteer drivers delivered a hot nutritious meal to more than 70 people five days a week.
As we anticipated pandemic restrictions to ease this summer, our thoughts turned to once again having our seniors return for congregate meals, dominos, movie nights and bingo. The staff and board members put together a plan to redecorate and deep clean the meeting space to be ready as restrictions were lifted.
As it happened, Vermont has done better than expected coming through the pandemic and the governor lifted public health restrictions ahead of schedule. At the senior center, we didn’t want to waste any time. We rallied our volunteers and opened for our senior community’s first Wednesday congregate midday meal on June 23. We had almost 20 people for the first lunch which was great for short notice. We are ready to seat 50 people now and look forward to seeing lots of new faces as the word gets out.
Looking ahead, the center plans to host congregate meals at noon every Wednesday in July with the hope of adding Mondays and Fridays very soon. All seniors are invited. Check the website for the latest schedule and menus or call 244-1234. Reservations are not required.
In addition, the center is hosting a two-hour open house on Saturday, July 10, 2-4 p.m. before the Not Quite Independence Day parade. Come check out the newly painted dining room, a silent auction with prizes from local businesses, and all seniors get a free hot dog.
Justin Blackman is chair of the Waterbury Area Senior Center Association’s board of directors.