Waterbury Recreation launches earlier summer camp signups Feb. 4

January 28, 2025  |  By Lisa Scagliotti

Summer recreation camp registration opens Feb. 4. File photo by Gordon Miller

It may be the time of year to be checking forecasts for possible snow delays and cancellations of school, but Waterbury Recreation is set to open a new earlier registration for its Summer Recreation Camp.

The online signup opens at 9 a.m. next Tuesday, Feb. 4, for Waterbury residents to register their campers headed into first through sixth grade. 

Some program changes for 2025 will mean a reduction in the overall camp size. To manage that, registration for residents in other nearby communities to sign up their youngsters will open starting at 9 a.m. on Feb. 6. The online system will be closed Feb. 7-10 for recreation staff to process information. If openings still remain, the system will be available again on Feb. 11 at 9 a.m., according to the website instructions.

“Every year, we aim to improve our camp. We listen to feedback from families and staff, and have taken the time to update our program with many of these requests, while continuing to emphasize building a safe, fun, and enriching child care option for our community,” said Waterbury Recreation Director Katarina Lisaius in announcing the 2025 program. 

Lisaius said the decision to open registration in early February rather than the typical March timeframe was made after hearing parents were looking to lock in their summer plans earlier in the year. 

The summer camp program will run eight weeks, June 23 to Aug. 15, on weekdays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Families can sign up children for the entire summer, or for a specific week or weeks.

Camp prices for 2025 reflect a slight increase. The fee for the full eight weeks is $1,325 for residents and $1,825 for non-residents. That works out to $165 per week for Waterbury families for 45 hours of care each week, Lisaius noted. 

Single-week registration fees are $305 for residents and $365 for non-residents. Fees will increase for those registering March 4 and later. The department also has a scholarship fund to assist families with covering camp costs.

Program plans include offering weekly themed camps, plenty of time at the town swimming pool, and some field trips as well. Swim lessons will be offered to all campers with a shift to lesson times later in the day to make drop-offs smoother and possibly have warmer conditions, Liasius noted. 

In reviewing plans for the summer program with the Waterbury Select Board recently, Lisaius explained that the department would likely run out of two rather than three locations this year. For the past several years, campers have been meeting at the recreation building at Anderson Park as well as two downtown churches. The Methodist Church likely will not be needed as a camp location this summer, Lisaius said. 

Running camp at just two locations will help with staffing challenges and improve oversight, she said. It also will ease logistics for transportation with the department’s vans that are used for field trips. 

The department also has decided to downsize the camp capacity with an eye toward emphasizing quality and safety. “Last summer, we faced staffing challenges of not finding enough available [staff] candidates with management and supervision experience,” Lisaius explained. “We are aware that this impacts the quality of our camp and are doing our best to address this gap.” 

This year, the program will aim to serve approximately 75-80 campers per day. Last year, Lisaius noted, attendance was about 93 children daily. The shift will mean focusing on serving families with the greatest need for childcare. That is reflected in the decision to only serve children heading into grades 1-6. 

“If we are able to secure experienced staff, we will expand our enrollment!” Lisaius said. Should that happen, the Recreation Department would announce more openings to the youngest group of campers, the Rising Stars which is rising first graders, she explained.  

Hiring for the summer staff has begun. Lisaius said she hopes the program will build a strong staff training program focused on providing quality child care. The smaller size will give camp directors a chance to work more directly with camp counselors, positions often filled by high school and college students. “The increased attention to younger staff will help prepare the camp for future staffing needs,” Lisaius noted. 

The recreation director acknowledges that the program changes may have a big impact for some families. “We are taking care of our community’s children and we know how important they are,” Lisaius said. “We are committed first and foremost to operating a safe program.”

 Find more about Waterbury Recreation Summer Day Camp including the scholarship application, policies, and contact details at waterburyvt.myrec.com.


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