Thanksgiving greetings from Waterbury Roundabout

November 26, 2020
Turkeys tiptoe through a cornfield along River Road in Duxbury. Photo by Gordon Miller.

Turkeys tiptoe through a cornfield along River Road in Duxbury. Photo by Gordon Miller.

Our third Waterbury Reader print edition produced with the Times-Argus is out this week. A few months ago, we couldn’t imagine publishing a print newspaper. 

This year has been a test of everyone’s patience, creativity, adaptability, and generosity. Everyone from our youngest children to our oldest seniors can attest to that. 

Waterbury Roundabout is a product of all of those things on the part of many people who encouraged this idea, rallied to create it, and who each week support it by writing and shooting photos, sharing information, and making financial contributions. (Shout out to photographer and Roundabout partner Gordon Miller, and to UVM student designer and web developer Julia Bailey-Wells – their work makes Waterbury Roundabout look so good!) 

We’re grateful for colleagues at the University of Vermont who encouraged this idea in the first place and who continue to support it; to the student reporters learning community journalism while largely reporting remotely; to the myriad of friends and acquaintances in our community who cheer this on. 

Along the way, we’re building a dedicated core group of writers and contributors who have embraced the idea of a new local news outlet without hesitation. Likewise, our colleagues in the Vermont news media have welcomed us into the fold by sharing our stories and including us in the conversation. 

Of course, there’s gratitude for readers – more than 1,300 of you get our email each week, visit our website, and follow our social media posts. Even more will now see our work in print. Dozens already are donors, chipping in to support our efforts, some even making a monthly commitment. We’ve recently added advertisers who you see on the pages of the Waterbury Reader. 

We are grateful for your support and your trust as we tell the stories important to all of us as we navigate the challenges that this year and this ongoing pandemic pose. 

This a long list for barely seven months. What will the next seven months or more bring? We don’t know, of course, but it’s a safe bet that we will find out together. And for that, we are thankful.  

With warm wishes for a happy, healthy, unique 2020 Thanksgiving. 

And thanks for reading, 

~ Lisa Scagliotti, editor



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