Obituary: Kelly Jean Brooks
December 30, 1981 – April 22, 2023
April 30, 2023
Kelly Jean Brooks / courtesy photo
We regret to announce the passing of Kelly Jean Brooks, 41, of Duxbury, Vermont.
She is the daughter of Martin and Susan Brooks of North Duxbury, the mother of Grace Brooks and Clay MacIver, the sister of Scott Brooks and wife Amy, Erin Dente and husband Kevin, Sandra Moulton and husband Jeffrey, and the aunt to five beautiful young girls and one handsome boy. Her beloved dogs, Ava and Emma, are missing their best friend and caregiver.
Kelly was an avid ice fisher, a fierce competitor in many physical sports and the number one fan of the Miami Dolphins. Kelly was a one-of-a-kind personality at Zachary’s Pizza of Waterbury with her brother for many years. She was unlike anyone you ever met and unapologetically passionate for her many interests. We shall miss her boisterous laughter that would fill a room, her genuine beauty and her kind and generous heart. Her family is grateful for the care and support of her many friends and for all of the love and kindness being offered to our family in this time of great sorrow.
We wish to recognize David Luce and the many Habitat for Humanity volunteers who donated many hours of dedicated labor to build a lovely home for Kelly and her children. Donations of remembrance for Kelly Brooks may be sent to Habitat for Humanity, P.O. Box 837, Montpelier, VT 05601 or online at
Services to honor the life of Kelly will be held on Saturday, May 13, at 11 a.m. at the Waterbury Congregational Church, 8 N. Main Street in Waterbury, with a reception following.
Please hold her with fond memories in your hearts and prayers.