No hunt, but lots of waves, as Bunny and friends usher in spring tradition
April 4, 2021 | By Waterbury Roundabout

There was plenty of sunshine and no shortage of youngsters who managed to coax their parents and even some grandparents to make it to the Waterbury Rotary Club’s 2021 twist on the annual Easter parade, egg hunt and visit with the larger-than-life Bunny himself this weekend.
Given ongoing restrictions on gatherings due to COVID-19, the traditional parade and mass hunt for plastic eggs filled with candy treats shifted to a more orderly procession in vehicles with treats handed out safely from a distance. But the Easter Bunny was still enthusiastic and happy to greet everyone who slowly made their way through the loop at Pilgrim Park in downtown Waterbury on Saturday morning.
The Bunny was joined by some other costumed friends. And, reciprocating the gesture from December, his invitation to Santa Claus was a success. (Santa included the Bunny at his drive-by Rotary event in Rusty Parker Park a few months ago.) Perhaps next time we see these magical friends, things will be more normal.
Thanks to photographer Gordon Miller for attending and documenting.