Harwood XC Summer Fun Runs wrap up as new season opens
August 28, 2024 | By Waterbury Roundabout
Harwood Union’s Cross Country Summer Fun Runs came to a close last Thursday, Aug. 22, with the final run at Crossett Brook Middle School.
Five-year old Jackson Migonis (No. 453) leads some Harwood XC runners on a victory lap at the final Summer Fun Run on Aug. 22. Left to right: Alex Isham, Mateo Metcalf, Atticus Ellis and Indy Metcalf. Photo courtesy of Tom Cahalan
Jackson Migonis of Waterbury defended his winning streak to win his 5th Kids’ Race in a row.
In the 5K, Christopher Cummiskey of Warren placed first with a time of 25:11 followed by Vince Wing of Waterbury Center at 25:13, Indy Metcalf of North Duxbury at 25:23, Atticus Ellis of North Fayston at 26:26, Alison Migonis of Waterbury at 25:26, Patrick Migonis of Waterbury at 25:27, Jan Martin of Spain at 25:36, Silas Gulley of Warren at 25:50, Nicky Severence of Warren at 25:57, Mason Jones at 26:15, Heidi Haraldsen of Waterbury Center at 28:40, Celia Wing of Waterbury Center at 28:42, Karissa McDonough of Waterbury Center at 28:42, Andrew Reid of Middlesex at 29:15, Pippa Diller of Waterbury at 29:39, Andy Metcalf of North Duxbury at 29:46, Julia Cisz of Duxbury at 29:54, Jake Pitman of Waterbury at 30:00, Trey Isham of Duxbury at 30:31, Eireann McDonough of Waterbury Center at 32:31, Eric Whitten of Waterbury at 33:45, Heidi Higgins Cutler of Moretown at 33:25, Liv Kielich of Waitsfield at 34:24, Victoria Grace of Waterbury at 34:25, Sarah Clarkso of Waterbury Center at 34:51, Alex Isham of Duxbury at 35:52, Colin Smith of Duxbury at 36:29, Tim Smith of Duxbury at 37:41, Will Clark of Waterbury at 41:46, and Sarah Wing of Waterbury Center at 42:41.
The XC team thanked Crossett Brook Middle School Co-Principals Duane Pearson and Jen Durren for hosting the runs this summer. And it thanked the Waterbury Roundabout and Valley Reporter for posting schedules, updates and weekly results.
“Thank you to all the runners and families that came out this year for our summer runs. We look forward to seeing you next summer when we move back to the Harwood Union trails,” said Harwood XC Assistant Coach Tom Cahalan, the lead Fun Run organizer.
Harwood runners are already training for the fall Cross Country season. The 2024-25 school year starts Tuesday, Aug. 27.
Harwood XC Summer Fun Runs continue to Aug. 22 at Crossett Brook
August 20, 2024 | By Waterbury Roundabout
UPDATE Aug. 21: Today’s run has been moved to Thursday, Aug. 22 with the same times for registration and runs.
Harwood Cross Country Summer Fun Runs at Crossett Brook Middle School wrap up this Wednesday, Aug. 21. Courtesy photo
Harwood Cross Country’s Fun Run last week attracted its largest participation of the summer and the team holds its final run this Wednesday. More than 30 people took part last week, according to Assistant Coach Tom Cahalan. “A lot of families came to run together,” he said.
Kids Run participants Ada Reid, Jackson Migonis, Ryder Lessor and Maverick Lessor. Courtesy photo
The runs begin each week with the Kids Run. Last week had four participants: Jackson Migonis of Waterbury took first place followed by Ryder and Maverick Lessor of Moretown and Ada Reid of Middlesex.
In the 3K, Riley Isham of Duxbury took first place with a time of 19:49 followed by Kassie Reid of Middlesex at 20:00 and Heather Lessor of Moretown at 20:10.
The 5K was most popular with many Harwood runners taking part along with friends and family members. The results:
Brody Hackett and Vince Wing of Waterbury Center battled it out at the finish to tie at 21:50
Christopher Cummiskey of Warren, 22:00
Andrew Reid of Middlesex, 22:38
Colin McDonough of Waterbury Center, 22:42
Jake Pitman of Waterbury, 22:49
Heidi Haraldsen of Waterbury Center, 23:16
Indy Metcalf of North Duxbury, 23:25
Alison Migonis of Waterbury, 24:24
Patrick Migonis of Waterbury, 24:25
Wyatt Ross of Waterbury Center, 25:00
Andy Metcalf of North Duxbury, 25:35
Karissa McDonough of Waterbury Center, 26:00
Celia Wing of Waterbury Center, 27:07
Julia Cisz of Duxbury, 27:52
Serena Wilcox of North Duxbury, 28:24
Trey Isham of Duxbury, 39:43
Colin Smith of North Duxbury, 31:49
Tim Smith of North Duxbury, 31:51
Alexandria Isham of Duxbury, 32:26
Heidi Higgins Cutler of Moretown, 33:19
Eireann McDonough of Waterbury Center, 34:30
The final Summer Fun Run will be held this Wednesday, Aug. 21, at Crossett Brook Middle School. Registration starts at 6 p.m. Kids Run is at 6:30 p.m. followed by the 3K and 5K runs. Fee is $5 with no charge for Harwood runners and kids age 6 and under. Proceeds support the Harwood Cross County program.
August 13, 2024 | By Tom Cahalan
Kids Race runners: Jackson Migonis, Ryder Lessor and Maverick Lessor. Courtesy photo
The runners finally got a break from the heat and humidity last Wednesday evening for the Harwood XC Fun Run.
The winner of the Kids race was Jackson Migonis of Waterbury followed closely by Ryder Lessor and Maverick Lessor of Moretown.
Will Clark of Waterbury finished first in the 3K followed by Jeralyn Haraldsen of Waterbury Center.
In the 5K, Christopher Cummiskey of Warren finished first with a time of 23:36 followed by Indy Metcalf of North Duxbury at 23:42, Atticus Ellis of Fayston at 23:48, Celia Wing of Waterbury Center at 24:09, Alison Migonis of Waterbury at 24:33, Heidi Haraldsen of Waterbury Center at 24:48, Mateo Metcalf of North Duxbury at 25:33, Jake Pittman of Waterbury at 25:36, Andy Metcalf of North Duxbury at 26:44, Serena Wilcox of North Duxbury at 30:13, Deb Governale of Jericho at 30:13, Beckett McElroy of Duxbury at 32:00 and Elliott McElroy of Duxbury at 34:00.
Heather Lessor greets the Kids Race finishers. Courtesy photo
The Summer Fun Runs are held on Wednesday evenings at Crossett Brook Middle School through Aug. 21. The next one is this Wednesday, Aug. 14. Registration starts at 6 p.m. with the Kids run kicking off at 6:30 followed by the 3K/5K run.
Cost is $5 per person; HU runners and kids 6 are free. Proceeds support the Harwood Union High School Cross Country Program.
Fun Run runners, Aug. 7. Courtesy photo
Aug. 1 Fun Run results
August 2, 2024 | By Tom Cahalan
The Aug. 1 Harwood Union Cross Country Summer Fun Run had a great turnout despite summer heat and humidity. Runners tackled the hills and trails at Crossett Brook Middle School after rescheduling to Thursday due to Wednesday’s heavy rain.
Runners at the Aug. 1 Harwood XC Summer Fun Run held at Crossett Brook Middle School. Remaining runs also will be held at Crossett Brook. Courtesy photo
The winner of the Kids Run was Lachlan Smith of Duxbury. Trevor Deschamps of Duxbury finished first in the 3K with a time of 15:07 followed by Heather Lessor of Moretown at 22:26.
In the 5K, Conor McDonough of Waterbury Center finished first with a time of 25:07 with Christopher Cummiskey of Warren and Celia Wing of Waterbury Center crossing the finish at 26:59 followed by Heidi Haraldsen of Waterbury at 27:09, Chapin Rivers of Duxbury at 27:11, Karissa McDonough of Waterbury Center at 27.21, Andy Metcalf of North Duxbury at 27:41, Jake Pitman of Waterbury at 27:47, Serena Wilcox of North Duxbury at 28:18, Colin Smith of Duxbury at 30:14, Marlena Baker of Waterbury at 31:42, Eireann McDonough of Waterbury Center at 31:54, Heidi Higgins Cutler of Moretown at 35:06, and Tim Smith of Duxbury at 37:59.
The Summer Fun Runs will continue on Wednesday evenings through Aug. 21. Registration starts at 6 p.m., races at 6:30 starting with the Kids Run followed by the 3K/5K. Cost: $5. No fees for Harwood runners and kids 6 and under. Proceeds support the Harwood XC program.
~Tom Cahalan
Harwood XC summer Fun Runs finally begin – at Crossett Brook MS
July 26, 2024 | By Tom Cahalan | Photos by Gordon Miller
JULY 31 UPDATE: Today’s forecast for rain with a flood watch has pushed this week’s Fun Run to Thursday, Aug.1. Same times apply.

The Harwood Union High School Cross Country Team hosted its first Fun Run of the season at Crossett Brook Middle School on Wednesday, July 24.
Jackson Migonis, age 5, of Waterbury was the winner of the Kids Race.
Eleven runners ran the 5K course with Christopher Cummiskey of Warren finishing first at 27:43 ahead of Jake Pitman of Waterbury at 27:44 followed by Celia Wing of Waterbury Center at 28:25; next were Heidi Haraldsen of Waterbury Center at 28:27, Sumner LeBaron-Brien of Stowe at 28:41, Trevor Deschamps of Waterbury at 29:15, Hazel Lillis and Pippa Diller of Waterbury tied at 32:23, Heidi Higgins Cutler of Moretown at 34:38, Heather Lessor of Moretown at 35:56 and Jeralyn Haraldsen of Waterbury Center at 42:09.
The move to CBMS from Harwood was necessary in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Beryl which caused widespread damage to Vermont Route 100 restricting access to Harwood. While most of the Harwood trail network weathered the storm, damaged bridges and a couple of trail washouts need work before the trails are safe for the public, so we are fortunate and grateful to have Crosset Brook available.
Summer Fun Runs will be held on Wednesday evenings (weather permitting) through Aug. 21, with the next one on Wednesday, July 31.
Registration starts at 6 p.m. with the Kids Run kicking off at 6:30 p.m. followed by the 3K/5K run. Cost is $5 per person. Harwood runners and kids 6 and under free.
Proceeds from the runs support the Harwood Union High School Cross Country program.
Tom Cahalan is an assistant coach of Harwood XC.