Waterbury Recreation Committee: Vote YES on Article 8

Feb. 11, 2022  |  By Waterbury Recreation Committee

To the community: 

The Waterbury Recreation Committee supports a vote of YES on Article 8 for the town budget on Town Meeting Day,  March 1, 2022. 

This Article allocates $50,000 for recreation planning at Hope Davey Park and the property surrounding the Ice Center (River Road property).  

The town is seeking voter support for a process that includes community input to define recreation needs and determine the capacity of park facilities and resources. 

The money will help develop a prioritized plan that allows for shared community use and management of the town assets.

Submitted by Frank Spaulding, chair

Waterbury Recreation Committee

Committee members are Meg Baldor, Jane Brown, Paul Lawson, Bill Minter, Phoebe Pelkey


Article 8: Waterbury voters have opportunity to grow recreation economy


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