LETTER: Michael Bard runs for re-election to Waterbury Select Board

Feb. 15, 2022

Hello, my name is Michael Bard and I am asking for your vote for re-election to the Waterbury Select Board.  

I have been a member of the Select Board the last three years and I believe I have been a valuable board member, an asset to the community and I listen to what all members of the community say.  

I have lived in Waterbury Center since 1987 after moving from Bristol.  In addition to my service to the Select Board I was a Development Review Board member for six years and previously eight years on the Conservation Commission including time as its chair. 

Formerly I spent 31 years with USDA Rural Development and retired as the Program Director for Vermont and New Hampshire.  I have a deep love for this community and want to see it thrive.

I am dismayed at the division that has occurred in our town. I have a background in high-level finance, construction, development, environmental analysis, personnel and organizational management, skills that I have brought to the community.  I have dedicated my life to service.  

I am a Waterbury Rotarian, active in many sportsmen and outdoor groups and am a long-term advocate for affordable housing. I try to be a caretaker of our taxes to keep the town affordable for all residents, manage our infrastructure yet achieve sustainable growth. 

Michael Bard is unopposed for a second three-year term on the Waterbury Select Board. Courtesy photo

In Municipal Manager Bill Shepeluk’s final year, I hope to keep stability on the board and help with the transition to a new community leader. I am always open to hearing new ideas and working together to solve problems and concerns. 

I live with my wife Debbie, a former dietitian at the Vermont State Hospital.  Feel free to call me at 244-6292 should you wish to know more about me or just introduce yourself.  Thank you and I wish for your vote on Town Meeting Day.
Michael Bard

Waterbury Center 


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