Call for Town Meeting Day mail

Feb. 11, 2022  |  By Waterbury Roundabout

Town Meeting Day is Tuesday, March 1.

The Waterbury Reader and Waterbury Roundabout will print and post online candidate announcements, letters to the editor, and opinion pieces regarding the upcoming local town and school elections and ballot questions. 

To weigh in and get your opinions in print and online, please send your signed piece by email to (Unsigned pieces will not be published.) Candidates may submit a photo, preferably as a JPG file. Letters should be no longer than 250-300 words. Announcements and opinion pieces on ballot items, etc. may be edited for space in print and are best kept to 500 words or fewer. 

Letters and columns will run in the next two editions of the Waterbury Reader and in the Opinion section online at 

Send no later than Friday, Feb. 18, to be published in the Waterbury Reader before Town Meeting Day. Posts for Waterbury Roundabout online should be sent by noon on Friday, Feb. 25.  


Rep. Ode: Bill aims to end child marriage in Vermont


Opinion: We can take more steps to prevent child sexual abuse