Young bull moose visits Rec Academy at Anderson Field
September 28, 2020 | By Lisa Scagliotti

There was some excitement Monday morning as a young bull moose tried to join the Waterbury Rec Academy at Anderson Field.
Recreation Director Nick Nadeau said the moose managed to get inside the park fence where it was exploring around the rec building and the playground.
Kids attending the daytime academy for remote school days stayed inside but enjoyed the excitement, he said.
Regional Game Warden Chad Barrett and Wardens Jeremy Schmid and Warden Dustin Circe responded. They escorted the moose out of the fenced-in area and down Butler street.
“We found a hole in the interstate fencing and headed toward it,” Barrett said. Schmid went up the interstate to slow traffic, he explained. “And the moose crossed without incident.”
The moose was last seen headed toward Blush Hill.
Game Warden Chad Barrett captures some photos during Monday morning's moose visit at Anderson Field. Video courtesy of Nick Nadeau.