Road Work | Week of June 12-16
Concrete has been removed along sections of Main Street sidewalks where wooden utility poles will be removed. It will be replaced once poles are taken out. Work is scheduled for late this week. Photo by Lisa Scagliotti
Armory Drive
The town Public Works Department continues work on Bridge #33 over Thatcher Brook on Armory Drive. This project will extend into the summer construction season. Residents of O'Hear Court and Armory Drive can expect one-lane traffic and possible delays.
Howard Avenue
Expect road closures on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Howard Avenue will be closed between Route 100 and the Howard/Guptil/Hollow four-way intersection for culvert replacements and valve box repairs. During this time, motorists may still use Hollow Road to get out to Rt. 100.
On Thursday, Howard will be closed between Maple and the Guptil/Howard /Hollow four-way intersection for culvert installation and underground power conduit installation for the Grange Hall. This will be a very short closure for this single project being handled by a private contractor.
Main Street
Work on Main Street resumes this week in several areas.
On Monday, a crew from J.A. McDonald will be working at the intersection of Park Row and Main Street which will be closed for much of the day. Expect some delays and a detour for traffic to exit out onto Main at Park Street. Traffic signals will be on flash and a uniformed traffic officer will be on site. McDonald will be doing exploratory excavations in attempts to plan out some corrective drainage work to the intersection.
On Thursday, motorists likely will encounter periods of alternating one-way traffic as crews work on removing wooden utility poles along Main Street. They also may get to start on new sidewalk preparations in the spots where poles are removed. Should weather impact this work on Thursday, it would be rescheduled for Friday, according to town Public Works Director Bill Woodruff.
All town highways
Be on the lookout for highway equipment conducting roadside mowing throughout the town in areas overrun with invasive species.
Interstate 89 | U.S. Route 2 | Richmond
Travelers should expect shoulder closures on I-89 southbound as crews work on the bridge replacement project on U.S. 2 over the interstate.
On U.S. 2, motorists can expect lane closures with traffic control present allowing for one alternating lane of travel.
U.S. 2 | Richmond-Bolton
Rehabilitation of U.S. 2 continues with both daytime and nighttime work scheduled.
Motorists can expect moderate interruptions with areas of one-way alternating traffic, Sunday through Thursday 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. between Lemroy Court and the I-89 interchange, and Monday through Friday 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. throughout the project. Project managers urge caution and slower speeds as motorists travel on some areas of gravel surface between Snipe Ireland Road and Lemroy Court.
U.S. Route 2 | Montpelier
Resurfacing U.S. 2 and U.S. 302 continues. Motorists can expect lane closures and alternating one-way traffic between the Middlesex-Montpelier town line to Bailey Avenue, at the Memorial Drive and Bailey Avenue intersection, and on River Street. Flaggers will be present to assist motorists through the work zone.
Vermont 100 | Stowe
The project at the intersection of Vermont Route 100 and West Hill Road continues. Crews will install new signal equipment, wiring, and line striping. Once complete, they will place the traffic signal on “flash” to help the traveling public become accommodated to the new traffic pattern. These operations will require lane closures and the use of flaggers.
Special note: travel to Canada | I-89 Highgate Springs
Travelers to Quebec are advised that Route 133 on the Canadian side of the border is closed between Champlain Road in Saint-Armand and Morgan Road in Pike River until approximately July 15 for construction of an overpass. A local detour route is in place for motorists needing to travel to/through communities on the Route 133 route. Oversize and overweight vehicles may NOT use the detour and are strongly advised to seek alternate routes, use other points of entry, and avoid restricted routes.