Waterbury CARES: Public library assists volunteer match service

May 6, 2020  |  By Luke Zarzecki

To manage through the hardships from COVID-19, local residents can turn to Waterbury CARES, a free volunteer matching service. 

The project came from a group of town officials and leaders from a variety of area service organizations with the intent to connect those offering to help and those seeking help due to the virus outbreak, a work layoff, the stay home order, or other unexpected recent circumstances. 

The name CARES is short for COVID-19 Alliance, Resource Exchange & Support.

The Waterbury Public Library is handling the requests and making the matches. Library Director Almy Landauer said so far, over 101 volunteers have stepped up and just 13 matches have been made. Participants are mostly from Waterbury, but it is open to Duxbury residents as well.  

Requests have ranged from child care to elders, tech support, even fixing a clogged sink, Landauer said. “The most common request is for grocery pick up and delivery.

One person needed someone to take her dog in temporarily,” she said. “We connected folks to other services like Meals on Wheels.”

Landauer said the effort has gone smoothly. “As far as I know, things are going well. We don’t ask for people to let us know after the fact, (they) just let us know they got in contact with each other,”  she said.

She encourages local residents who have made use of the project to help spread the word that the service is available. “Although we are ready to provide many more volunteers, we hope that the small number we matched up means that folks are being cared for by neighbors and friends and other services available in town,” Landauer  said. 

The Waterbury CARES form is available online. Those without internet access can pick up a form at the Waterbury Center post office, Sunflower Natural Foods on Rt. 100, Shaw’s, the Waterbury Area Senior Center and the Village Market. Those trying to stay home may call the library to sign up to either volunteer or make a request: 244-7036.


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