Local residents among 106 appointed to state boards by Gov. Phil Scott

March 10, 2023  |  By Waterbury Roundabout

MONTPELIER – Gov. Phil Scott announced on Thursday that he appointed 106 individuals to state boards and commissions in January and February and a handful of local residents are among the appointees. 

Among those named in the appointments are: 

  • John Pitrowiski of Waterbury named to the Board of Professional Engineering 

  • Laura Flint of Waterbury and Anna Kolback of Middlesex named to the State Rehabilitation Council

  • Victoria Biondolillo of Waterbury appointed to the Sustainable Jobs Fund Board of Directors 

  • Douglas White of Stowe named to the Vermont Aviation Advisory Council

Boards and commissions serve an important role in state government, giving Vermonters opportunities to serve their state and communities. 

The governor’s office is currently soliciting applications to fill vacancies and upcoming term expirations. Anyone interested in serving on a board or commission should visit the boards and commissions section of the governor’s website for a list of the more than 180 such bodies that exist and descriptions of their roles. More information can be found there on the steps involved in applying.

The site explains that applicants are needed who are “talented, hardworking individuals with fresh ideas and who are good managers, proven leaders and recognize they will be held to the highest standards of conduct when they accept the responsibility of public service to their fellow Vermonters.”

It also notes that most board and commission members serve at the pleasure of the governor, meaning they may be removed at any time. “It's imperative that candidates share the governor’s priorities for growing the economy, making Vermont more affordable, caring for the most vulnerable and restoring faith and trust in state government,” the website explains. 

Once appointed, board and commission members take an oath of office and must abide by a code of ethics. Most volunteers who are not otherwise receiving a state salary for board or commission service may be eligible to receive per diem compensation of at least $50 per day for their service.


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