Main St. Construction | June 4-June 11


  • Flaggers and pedestrian crossers will be present where construction is taking place. 

  • Watch for changing work locations and traffic patterns.

  •  Weekends are construction free!

Segment 1.  North Main Street between railroad bridge and Stowe Street

  • Sidewalk work continues on North Main Street from the railroad bridge towards the downtown core. The schedule for concrete depends on weather. Be prepared to be flexible these next few weeks as the work crew progresses by each property. Forms will be in place for newly poured sidewalks.

  • There are four properties (odd-numbered) remaining on North Main Street that need new concrete sidewalks installed across their driveways. Property owners will be contacted in advance for timing.  Residents should communicate with workers if they are blocking a driveway so they can make accommodations. When new concrete is poured, vehicles will need to park off site for several days until the concrete has cured. Parking is available at the municipal office building and library. Neighbors are encouraged to coordinate to share parking.

  • Work continues on installing an informational kiosk at the Bidwell Lane-Stowe Street intersection. 

  • Grading and hydroseeding is taking place in this segment.


Segment 2.  South Main Street between Stowe Street and Park Street

  • New concrete sidewalks are being poured down Elm Street and along South Main Street. Pedestrian access will be limited temporarily.

  • The Elm Street parking lot access will be closed while the new concrete sidewalk across the entrance cures for approximately 7 days.

  • Residents and business owners are asked to communicate with workers if they are blocking a driveway so they can make accommodations. When new concrete is poured, vehicles will need to park off site for several days until the concrete has cured.

 Segments 3 and 4 from Park Row to the end of the project  

  • Information kiosk installation continues at the corner of Park Row and South Main Street and the corner of Demeritt Place and South Main Street.  

The work schedule is contingent on weather, equipment, supplies and a variety of circumstances. Get more information and sign up for updates at Project contact is Barb Farr at 802-244-4300 or


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