Town, school district annual reports are available now
Feb. 26, 2023 | By Lisa Scagliotti
Local voters interested in reading up on the details of the proposed town budget, reports from town officials and information from organizations seeking taxpayer support on Town Meeting Day March 7 can find all of that and more in the latest editions of municipal annual reports.
In addition to the online version, paper copies of Waterbury’s Annual Report are available around town and at the municipal offices. Screenshot
Waterbury’s Annual Town Report is available on the town website in the Town Clerk section and printed copies are available around town. Find them in the lobby and inside the municipal offices and at the Waterbury Public Library as well as at Maplewood Convenience Store on River Road, Northfield Savings Bank, Vermont State Employees Credit Union, M&T Bank, Waterbury True Value Hardware, Billings Mobil and the Waterbury Post Offices.
Anyone wishing to receive a printed copy by mail can call the town clerk’s office at 802-244-8447 or email Town Clerk Karen Petrovic at Reports are not automatically mailed to Waterbury voters.
This year’s report is dedicated to Waterbury Planning and Zoning Director Steve Lotspeich who retires in March after 30 years of service to the town of Waterbury. The cover photo is an aerial shot of Waterbury Reservoir by Tyler Keefe.
Waterbury will hold its annual town meeting in person for the first time since 2020. It starts at 9 a.m. in the gymnasium at Brookside Primary School on Tuesday, March 7. Voting on the town budget and other financial questions will be done at the meeting. Elections for town and school officials will be done by paper ballot along with questions for the Harwood Unified Union School District budget and the Central Vermont Career Center. Balloting will be conducted at the Brookside gym from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Town Meeting Day.
Duxbury reports
Duxbury reports are mailed to voter households and an electronic version is posted on the town website. Screenshot
In Duxbury, printed copies of the town’s annual report are mailed to all households with voters, according to Town Clerk Maureen Harvey. Reports were put into the mail recently and should have arrived by now.
Anyone needing a copy may request one be mailed by calling or emailing Harvey at 802-244-6660 or Copies also are available outside the town offices entry in the drop box for people to pick up anytime. An electronic version is on the town website in the Town Clerk and Treasurer section under the Elections heading with other Town Meeting Day information including warnings, the voter checklist, and sample ballots for town business, Harwood Unified Union School District items, and the Central Vermont Career Center.
Voting in Duxbury this year will be done entirely by paper ballot on Town Meeting Day at the town offices from 7 a.m .to 7 p.m. in the drive-through format. There will not be an in-person town meeting as voters in November decided to conduct the March elections via Australian ballot.
School district annual reports
The Harwood Unified Union School District’s annual report is available online on the district’s website,
In 2022, a new school district to govern the Central Vermont Career Center in Barre was created by voters from the 18 towns in six member school districts that send students to the center. Its annual report is online and paper copies are available at local town clerk offices as well.
Early voting
Anyone wishing to vote early ahead of Town Meeting Day may request a ballot by mail from their town clerk’s office. Time is running short to rely on mail deliveries, however, especially to return voted ballots. Marked ballots may be dropped off at the town clerk’s office in person or on the secure boxes outside the town office entries.
Voters also can visit their town clerk’s office to vote in person up until Monday, March 6.