Road Work | May 13-17
May 14, 2024 | By Waterbury Roundabout
Road Work is compiled from reports from the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTRANS), Waterbury Public Works, and other local highway departments.
Sweet Road closure for culvert work on Thursday
The Waterbury Highway Department will be working on a culvert replacement project on Sweet Road on Thursday and will need to close the road to traffic for several hours.
Public Works Director Bill Woodruff said it should take just several hours, between 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The timing should not affect school buses.
Guptil Road bridge work
Work is under way now on Guptil Road on Bridge 4 (actually the third bridge from Rt. 100 heading to Waterbury Center) just south of the Kneeland Flats Road intersection. The town road crew asks motorists to please slow down traveling thru the narrow work zone. The road will remain open during the rehab project which is expected to take until mid-July.
Ashford Lane/Kennedy Drive
Two projects are underway in the Ashford Lane/Kennedy Drive neighborhood on lower Blush Hill. Work is resuming this week on the water line project from last fall. Much of this activity is off the roadway but local residents can expect to see trucks and workers staging materials and supplies along the route. This is the final work to complete the water line replacement connecting the reservoir at the end of Raspberry Lane to the municipal water system near the Best Western Inn.
Meanwhile, the paving project to resurface Kennedy Drive, Ashford Lane and Acorn Drive has begun. Asphalt will be removed and the roadways will be graded and rolled before new pavement is done in several weeks, according to Public Works Director Bill Woodruff.
State projects
I- 89 & U.S. Rt. 2 bridge project | Richmond
The replacement of Bridge #29 along U.S. Route 2 over I-89 continues. Drivers on the interstate will encounter a single-lane closure both northbound and southbound, Monday through Friday, from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
On Rt. 2, drivers may encounter periodic lane closures with traffic control present to allow for one lane of alternating travel.
U.S. Rt. 2 paving project| Richmond
A roadway resurfacing project continues along U.S. Route 2 with nighttime paving from Sunday through Thursday, 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. Motorists can expect traffic control present allowing for alternating single lane travel on U.S. 2 between Kenyon Road and Lemroy Court.
Vermont Route 108: The Notch is open
This Agency of Transportation photo shows one of the new chicanes installed to deter drivers of long vehicles from proceeding through the Notch on Vermont Route 108 between Stowe and Cambridge.
State officials on Tuesday afternoon announced that Vermont Route 108 through Smugglers Notch connecting Stowe and Cambridge has been opened for the season.
Important note: Vehicles over 40 feet in length and combination vehicles over 45 feet long are NOT permitted through this section of roadway by state law.
To help deter drivers of long vehicles from attempting to traverse the notch — and ultimately getting stuck resulting in road closure — state crews have installed new traffic control devices on either side of the winding, narrow mountain pass. Tuesday’s announcement from the Agency of Transportation explains:
“These devices, known as chicanes, recreate the configuration of the roadway geometry at the top of the Notch. The objective of the chicanes is to allow overlength vehicles the ability to turn around before causing obstructions in the Notch.” - Vermont Agency of Transportation