Flower barrels vandalized
Aug. 13, 2022 | By Waterbury Roundabout
An empty flower barrel sits by the Winooski Street bridge. Courtesy photo
Volunteers with the local gardening club have reported an act of apparent vandalism that took place last weekend near the Winooski Street bridge.
Two barrel planters that sit on either side of the bridge on the Waterbury side had flower plantings ripped out.
"Yesterday the flowers in the barrels at Winooski Bridge were beautiful; this morning they are wrecked," said volunteer Sue Johansen on Sunday.
The club member who waters the planters said the flowers were fine on Saturday, but they were destroyed on Sunday.
A River Runs Through It Garden Club each summer plants and maintains plantings around Waterbury include those at the bridge, barrels at Newton Baker Park on Stowe Street and Dac Rowe Park, as well as beds near the Main Street fire station and at the Maple Street Park in Waterbury Center.
Whoever caused the damage left the small signs in each planter that label the planters with the club name, Johansen said. "It is mind-boggling that anyone can find fun or joy in destroying flowers, and at the same time it is very concerning that this behavior is happening in our community," she said.
Anyone with any information about the vandalism is asked to contact the Vermont State Police at 802-229-9191.