Public apology for eugenics practices set for Saturday at the State House

October 15, 2021  | By Lisa Scagliotti 

State legislative leaders will lead a public ceremony on Saturday at the State House to officially proclaim the state’s public apology for state-sanctioned eugenics practices in the 20th century. 

During the 2020 legislative session, both the House and Senate unanimously passed a resolution condemning steps taken on behalf of the state largely in the 1930s where Native American, disabled, impoverished Vermonters, people of color, French-Canadians and other marginalized individuals were subjected to sterilization as part of the eugenics movement the state government embraced at the time. 

The resolution acknowledged the harm done by these actions and sought to extend an apology to those impacted and their descendants. 

This event on Oct. 16 will do so publicly on the State House steps starting at 3 p.m. Speaker of the House Rep. Jill Krowinski of Burlington and Senate President Pro Tempore, Windham County Sen. Becca Balint, will lead the ceremony. 

In his position as chair of the General, Housing, and Military Affairs Committee, Waterbury state Rep. Tom Stevens led hearings to gather testimony that shaped the joint resolution. A legislator since 2009, Stevens said the resolution “represents some of the most important work I’ve done while a representative.” 


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