Harwood Union’s Class of 2024 graduates on Saturday
Harwood Union High School’s seniors are counting down the hours to Saturday’s commencement ceremony scheduled for 10 a.m. under the big tent on the school lawn. Find the graduation program here and gallery of photos of the Class of 2024.

Memorial scholarship pays it forward for the love of outdoor adventure
For the sixth year, a Harwood Union High School 10th grader has been chosen for a special award that honors the memory of former Harwood sophomore Liam Hale.

On the third try, voters put Harwood school budget over the finish line
With turnout of 35% across the school district, voters have approved a $47,892,873 million budget to run the schools in the Harwood Unified Union School District for the 2024-25 school year. Supporters cast 2,429 ballots in favor for 61%.

Back from India, students premiere film on Himalayan conservation May 30
Back from a cultural exchange trip to northern India, a group of Harwood Union High School seniors will present their mini-documentary on Himalayan Conservation at the Big Picture Theater in Waitsfield this Thursday, May 30.

Harwood looks to go cellphone-free next school year
The announcement carries an attention-grabbing message: “Harwood We Are Going Back to 1995” as teachers and administrators at Harwood Union HS look for community input Wednesday night, May 29, on a plan to go cellphone-free starting next school year.

School board sticks with language program cuts ahead of third budget vote
In its last meeting before the third school budget vote on May 30, the Harwood Unified Union School Board heard requests to find different budget cuts in order to keep the elementary World Language program, but it refrained from asking the administration for alternatives.

Harwood students mark Mental Health Awareness with multiple activities
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Harwood Union Middle/High School students are observing it in multiple ways.

Harwood freshman named Vermont’s first Youth Poet Laureate
The statewide nonprofit poetry organization Sundog Poetry recently announced that a Harwood Union High School freshman was the winner of a contest to name Vermont’s first Youth Poet Laureate.

Harwood preps for 3rd budget vote as finance committee starts to look ahead
Early voting is open and the public informational meeting ahead of the third vote for Harwood’s 2024-25 school budget will be held Monday, May 20. Meanwhile the school board’s new finance committee has started to meet.

Save the date: May 30 is Harwood’s third budget vote
The Harwood Unified Union School Board has chosen a new, lower 2024-25 budget proposal under $48 million that relies on staff layoffs and cutting elementary foreign language instruction, and it has set May 30 for the next special election.

Harwood students to share Rwanda experience at Zenbarn
Harwood students who traveled to Rwanda over winter break have created video projects about their trip, featuring interviews with Rwandan locals and students which they will present to the public on May 13.

Harwood leaders to rework budget for third vote; conflict claim raised
Leaders in the Harwood school district hope the third time is the charm for voters to back a budget for the 2024-25 school year. The school board meets tonight to discuss the third budget proposal it will put to voters. It also will review its conflict of interest policy in light of a claim focusing on a school board member.

Harwood voters reject second school budget
By a vote of 1,731 to 1,565, voters on Tuesday told Harwood Unified Union School District leaders to go back to the drawing board to draft yet another budget proposal to run schools for the 2024-25 school year.

Harwood’s second school budget vote is Tuesday
On Tuesday, voters in the six communities of the Harwood Unified Union School District will head to the polls to consider a new budget of $48.8 million to run schools for the 2024-25 school year. The second vote is needed after voters on Town Meeting Day overwhelmingly rejected the first budget of $50.8 million.

School board fields questions as April 30 budget vote approaches
With the second vote on a revised 2024-25 budget proposal less than two weeks away, the Harwood school board last week rolled out messages to the community and held a two-hour informational meeting to answer questions from local residents. The vote on a $48.8 million budget happens April 30. There is one more chance to hear a presentation and ask questions this Thursday, April 25.
School board urges community to vote on revised 2024-25 budget
As most of you know our school budget failed on Town Meeting Day. There is another vote that closes on April 30th, on a revised number that reduces spending by almost $2 million.

Joint PTO raffle raises $27k and awards a firetruck ride to school
Last Tuesday morning, Brookside Primary School first grader Liam Lande, skipped hopping on the school bus for an extra-special lift to school.

Music-COMP Opus concert set for April 30 at St. Mike’s College
What’s become an annual springtime musical debut event for many young Vermont musicians -- including Harwood school district students -- will take place soon after April school break.

Did someone say prizes? Fayston school’s PTO fundraiser is on
The Fayston Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization has launched its second annual Every Day in May for FAYston raffle with tickets on sale now.

School board adds Waterbury members, preps for second budget vote
The Harwood Unified Union School Board appointed three new members last week to fill vacancies representing Waterbury as the board prepares for a second vote on a proposed budget for the 2024-25 school year.