School board leaders: We need your input in the form of your vote

February 16, 2024

Dear Harwood community, 

We write to ask you to support the school district budget during Town Meeting Day on Tuesday, March 5.

The proposition recommended by the school board represents a responsible budget. It includes the reduction of 13 positions by attrition, turnover, and transfer, while also providing needed support to our students as we continue to deal with mental health needs and learning loss following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Harwood Unified Union School District, as well as school districts across Vermont, are also experiencing double-digit increases in the state-mandated health insurance plan, contractual wage increases necessary to attract and maintain teachers and support staff, increasing costs of federally mandated special education services, a new childcare tax, and increases in transportation costs. These are the primary areas where the HUUSD budget has increased despite a level service approach.

HUUSD has traditionally requested that voters approve transfers of up to $1.5 million to maintenance reserve. This year’s budget proposition includes a budgeted $1 million for maintenance reserve along with a request to transfer approximately $535,000 from fiscal year 2023 to the maintenance fund. 

With the uncertainty of what tax implications will look like for our community, the board has decided to pause a bond vote in November. 

The district has over $19 million in deferred maintenance for all six campuses within HUUSD – with less than $3 million available in maintenance reserve. Therefore, we are hoping that you will support these two ballot questions in order to maintain the necessary maintenance needs of our buildings. The three-year capital improvement plan is in the School Board’s Feb. 14 meeting agenda on the website’s Board section here

The school board has spent considerable time discussing projected tax increases across Vermont, which are caused by many factors including a transition of the state funding formula related to Act 127. The spirit of Act 127 is to increase funding to schools that have been historically underfunded. While the school board fully supports the intent of more equitable funding for all students, the new funding formula means HUUSD taxpayers are impacted more significantly.

Over the past month-and-a-half, districts around the state have been grappling with Act 127, and more recently, H.850. With that in mind, this Harwood school board has worked tirelessly to advocate for a more equitable change to Act 127 so that all of our community schools can be sustained in their present configuration.

The school board needs the input of our community in the form of your vote on the budget proposition question on the ballot. 

If the ballot proposition passes, the school board will continue to reduce expenditures and positions by attrition, turnover, and transfer. This action will be absolutely necessary over the next four years, during which time the HUUSD will continue to see a loss of taxing capacity due to Act 127 and H.850.

If the ballot proposition fails, the school board will need to immediately reduce the budget from the adjusted current tax rate ($1.69 pre-Common Level of Assessment) based on the following options in order to rewarn a new budget proposition to our community:

  • Reduction of $1 million (maintenance reserve funding) $1.65 adjusted tax rate pre-CLA

  • Reduction of $1.5 million (maintenance reserve funding and year-end fund balance transfer to maintenance reserve) $1.63 adjusted tax rate pre-CLA

  • Reduction of $2.7 million (Eliminate $1.5 million maintenance reserve and an additional 10.5 positions) $1.58 adjusted tax rate pre-CLA

  • Reduction of $4.5 million (Eliminate $1.5 million maintenance reserve and an additional 26.7 positions) $1.51 adjusted tax rate pre-CLA

The school board fully understands that the projected tax rates from the legislature are of great concern. As your elected school board representatives, we also understand that the loss of 10.5 positions or 26.7 positions beyond the 13 already budgeted for elimination will have a huge impact on the safe operations of all of our community schools.

Thank you for your consideration. We encourage you to visit our website and explore the annual report link as well as the information in board agendas found at the Board link. Additionally, you can visit the HUUSD YouTube channel to view recent school board meetings.


Kristen Rodgers, Chair

Kelley Hacket, Vice Chair

Kristen Rodgers of Moretown and Kelley Hackett of Waterbury are chair and vice chair respectively of the Harwood Unified Union School District School Board. 


Voting on the school budget and maintenance reserve questions will happen in person on Town Meeting Day, March 5, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., in each of the Harwood school district communities. Early voting is now available at each town clerk’s office; ballots also may be requested by mail. 

The school district will hold its annual meeting and information session at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 4, in person in the library at Harwood Union Middle/High School and also online via zoom and livestreamed on the district’s YouTube channel. 

Details about voting and the March 4 meeting including links for Zoom and YouTube are on the school district’s Annual Meeting Warning. 


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