School board looks to fill Duxbury, Waterbury vacancies this month
July 9, 2021 | By Waterbury Roundabout
The Harwood Unified Union School District School Board holds its first regular in-person meeting since the COVID-19 pandemic began in the library at Harwood Union High School on June 23. screenshot.
Deadlines are coming up Saturday, July 10, and Sunday, July 18, for applications to fill two vacancies on the Harwood Unified Union School Board, one each for Duxbury and Waterbury.
Recent resignations by Duxbury member Brian Dalla Mura and Waterbury member Michael Frank have created the openings. The board will appoint replacements to serve until Town Meeting Day 2022 at which time voters will elect replacements to those seats to serve out the remainder of each term.
The Duxbury seat will be filled first at a special meeting scheduled for July 14. Board Chair Torrey Smith said a second meeting will be scheduled to fill the Waterbury seat, most likely later this month.
The process also involves consulting with the select boards in each town for input on the choice. In Waterbury, for example, the select board will have the school board opening on its July 19 meeting agenda.
To apply for either position, interested applicants should send a letter of interest to Smith ( and to Superintendent Brigid Nease (
Duxbury applicants should apply by July 10. Waterbury candidates should apply by July 18 -- that date was adjusted to meet the select board’s schedule, Smith said.
After the March 2022 election, the Duxbury seat would have one more year left for its term; the Waterbury seat’s term will have two years remaining, ending at Town Meeting Day 2024.
Additional information about the school board is on the school district website, under the Board heading. A section with details about serving on the board is online at