The show goes on: Harwood Theatre returns to the stage with ‘The Mousetrap’

Nov. 19, 2021  |  By Lisa Scagliotti 

Student actors took to the Harwood Union High School stage last weekend for their first live performance since before the COVID-19 pandemic began. 

Agatha Christie’s classic murder mystery “The Mousetrap” unfolded in two acts over three nights. During intermission, audience members had the chance to vote in the lobby for who they thought was the culprit before returning to their seats. 

Everyone including the performers were masked, and those in the audience sat in family and friend groups with empty rows between them.

A year and half into navigating daily life against the backdrop of a pandemic, everyone appeared to take the steps in stride. 

Photographer Gordon Miller captured scenes from opening night. Below is Director Scott Weigand’s program note where he emphasized the importance of keeping the arts alive during a time when performances have been difficult, while expressing gratitude to everyone involved for persevering. 

Director’s Note

It has been two years since we presented a live show on this stage. In that time we had a cancelled musical, a virtual play, and a spring musical we performed outdoors at Camp Meade. While having the ability to do those shows was great, it is not as great as it is to be back on this stage tonight. Even though our performers are masked, and the audience is masked and distanced, we are here. 
The arts have suffered during the pandemic. In a time when sports could continue on, we were told singing was a super-spreader, playing instruments was too much and being close on stage was not safe, we are here. 
Kids have missed the passion, empathy and connection that come with putting together a show. The expression that comes from creating, singing, playing it has all been put in a box and only now are we bringing it out into the light. Even through all that, we are here. 
We are here, because the arts are important, the feeling we get from music when it hits our ears just so, when an acting performance makes us forget we are watching a show, the storytelling passed through time connecting us to the past and the lives of those long gone. We are here. 

Finally, we are here tonight because of each of you. We are here because of the Harwood community. We are here because of the administration and people like Chris Langevin, our athletic director; Chris Rivers, Molly Clark and Bruce Sklar, our music department; the teachers and staff at Harwood and all the parents and families. Last but not least, we are here because of these kids, whose passion for performance has driven them to overcome all the challenges of the last two years and present this show to show. I am here because of them. Thank you and please enjoy the show. ~ Scott Weigand


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