National education journal spotlights Harwood Harkness
November 17, 2023 | By Waterbury Roundabout
The Harkness Initiative at Harwood Union High School is featured in an article by Superintendent Mike Leichliter and former Harwood teacher Katherine Cadwell in the December issue of the American School Board Journal, a national trade publication.
Begun in 2016 by Cadwell, the program has grown to involve a class and methodology that faculty and students regularly employ across disciplines in a mulitude of classroom settings. Harkness is practice of student-driven dialogue that relies on questioning, active listening, respect in disagreement, and collaboration.
The initiative earlier this year received an award from the National School Boards Association.
Click the title to open in a reader-friendly window.
The digital edition of the December magazine can be found online here. The article begins on page 28.
Click the title on page 29 to open it in a reader-friendly format.