No wrong answers: Harwood Socrates Café poses a question for all to ponder
January 3, 2024 | By Waterbury Roundabout
An educational tradition continues at Harwood Union High School on Jan. 9 with the latest gathering of a Socrates Café for community members to join students to ponder a question, share, and learn.
The question for the café is: How do we “live now” while still respecting the past?
The free event invites community members to join students from the current Harkness Leadership class in the school library from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
Organizers explain that a Socrates Café is an opportunity for dialogue about timeless and timely questions that all people confront. Rather than being a debate or a discussion, however, a Socrates Café is a dialogue where participants are encouraged to listen to and learn from one another. This form of discourse – and its focus on the search for knowledge –- comes from the great philosopher Socrates, who observed that “Wisdom begins in wonder.”
These gatherings are open to all community members, regardless of age, experience, or background. Harwood students who are experienced in leading Socratic dialogues will facilitate the discussions. Refreshments will be provided.
For more information, direct questions to teacher Adam Sargent at