State creates new panel to involve parents in education policy

December 5, 2022 

Editor’s note: Harwood Unified Union School District Superintendent Mike Leichliter shares the following letter from Vermont Secretary of Education Dan French. 

Dear Superintendents:

Today the Agency of Education announced the formation of a Family Engagement Council to advise the secretary on education policy and topics of interest to parents in Vermont. Before now, there has not been a strong, state-level mechanism for parent involvement in the development of Vermont education policy, and I look forward to the opportunity to elevate the voices of Vermont’s parents, guardians and caregivers in our policy-making process and to hearing more directly about their experiences navigating our education system.

The council will have 10-15 members who are parents, guardians, or family members who are primary caregivers of a student or students enrolled in a Vermont school or Home Study program. To the extent possible, the membership of the council will represent the state’s geographic, gender, socio-economic, racial and ethnic diversity. Parents of younger children, parents in non-traditional families, and grandparents or other relatives acting as primary caregivers are especially encouraged to apply.

In the first year, the Family Engagement Council will focus on the following policy areas, among others:

  • School district quality, health and safety, and school facilities

  • Academic progress: What do we use to measure success and proficiency?

I would appreciate your help in promoting this opportunity in your communities. Interested parents, guardians and caregivers can fill out the Application for Appointment, which is designed to take 10 minutes to complete. Applications are due by Dec. 18.

Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions about the council, please let me know.


Daniel M. French, Ed.D.

Secretary of Education


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