Waterbury Unleashed Dog Park opens with new rules

June 18, 2020  |  By Abby Teel
COMMUNITY 061020 Dog park opens closeup_lisa.jpg

Given ongoing public health concerns around COVID-19 and in the interest of dog owners seeking a safe place to recreate with their canine companions, the Waterbury Dog Park has reopened with some new, temporary rules. 

Details are posted at the park. Here are some of the key reminders for park users: 

  • Do not visit the park if you are feeling sick or if you have been around someone who is feeling sick. Dogs that are ill or recently ill should also avoid the park.

  • Visitors from just one household at a time are asked to use the park. If others are waiting, visitors are asked to limit their stay to 20 min. Midday is usually less busy than evenings. Starting June 29, the limit on visitors will be increased to include multiple households. Updates will be shared on Front Porch Forum and Waterbury Roundabout.

  • People are asked to wear a face covering when at the park and in contact with other visitors coming and going from the park.

  • Please use hand sanitizer before and after touching the gate. A sanitizer station will be installed soon. Until then, users are asked to bring their own. 

  • Visitors are asked to please bring their own poop bags, clean-up after your pet, and take poop bags with you when you leave. To have fewer surfaces at the park, furniture and poop scoopers have been removed. 

  • Do not leave dog toys behind. Take any toys home that you bring to use at the park. 

  • Use the park at your own risk.  Users must decide if they are comfortable with the new guidelines. 

  • The park will be monitored to make sure users are following the guidelines. 

The park is overseen by dedicated volunteers. If visitors do not follow the new guidelines, the park may be closed again. It is our hope to be able to open more fully in the future.  

The Waterbury Unleashed Committee is also in need of more volunteers for the summer season to help with park upkeep and maintenance. To volunteer or for more information, please email wudpVT@gmail.com.

Abby Teel is a volunteer manager for Waterbury Unleashed Dog Park.


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