Waterbury Public Library August programs
July 27, 2024 | By Judi Byron
Photo by Lisa Scagliotti
Waterbury Public Library programs for August including exercise, art, a silent reading party and games in groups.
For more information on these and all library offerings, visit the library’s website at waterburypubliclibrary.com.
Wednesdays: Mindful Movement Yoga
There are still a couple of Wednesday yoga classes left with Becky Widschwenter’s Mindful Movement Yoga on the Library Lawn: July 31 and Aug. 14. Classes are at noon on the lawn if the weather cooperates, indoors otherwise. Becky teaches an inclusive practice and invites all participants to work at the level with which their body informs. Modifications and adaptations are always encouraged. Bring a mat and any props that bring comfort to your practice. Register online at Becky’s website.
Friday Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program starts Aug. 2
People with arthritis can exercise! The Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program free classes are back for a fall series beginning Aug. 2 and running successive Fridays until mid-November. Led by Pauline Nolte, these classes will help keep joints flexible, muscles strong, and increase energy. Sponsored by the Central Vermont Council on Aging, all are welcome to join. Held on Fridays 10:30-11:30 a.m. Register online or contact Anne Greshin at 802-241-4840.
Autumn Watercolors begin Aug. 6
For both experienced painters and newcomers, artist and teacher Pauline Nolte offers an Autumn Watercolor series beginning Tuesday, Aug. 6, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Classes are free and supplies will be provided for beginners. Pauline provides demonstration and instruction with opportunity for independent work. If you have wanted to try painting, come join a supportive and welcoming group. Register with with an email to judi@waterburypubliclibrary.com for this fall series that takes place on consecutive Tuesdays until mid-November.
Silent readers gather July 23 at Hope Davey Park’s pavilion for a Silent Reading Party. Photo by Gordon Miller
Aug. 17: Silent Reading Party
Silent Reading Parties are fun! The concept is simple: bring a book and read. We gather in a space that is free from distractions, read for a bit, and then share (if you want) what your book is about. Several have been held so far in recent weeks co-sponsored by Bridgeside Books. The next session is Saturday, Aug. 17, at 10:30 a.m. in the CCC Charles Smith Camp at Little River State Park. (This is the location rescheduled due to rain in June.) Bring a lawn chair or blanket, a snack and some water, and settle in for a fun, quiet morning. The meeting spot is at the trailhead right after the sharp curve and steep hill on the left before reaching the Waterbury Dam.
Paintings and photographs presented by Pauline Nolte on view at the Waterbury Public Library. Courtesy photo
Aug. 20: “You Can Get Here from There!”
Nolte’s Vermont watercolors. Courtesy photo
Pauline Nolte’s artwork has been gracing the Waterbury Public Library’s café and upstairs walls for the past month. On Aug. 20 at 6:30 p.m., she will present a talk “You Can Get Here from There,” to share her personal story from living in public housing to a hilltop chalet. She will begin with “Start From There” sharing her memories captured in black-and-white photographs taken by her father in her childhood home, complemented by watercolor paintings of subjects full of Asian symbolism. She ends with “I Am Here!” -- memories of seasonal beauty of Vermont viewed from her hilltop home portrayed in watercolor and photographs.
Nolte’s exhibit in the library cafe runs until Aug. 30 with additional paintings Nolte created to illustrate the book, “Seashells: Soulful Journeys” by her friend and writer Archita Mehta Buch. Those paintings are on view on the library’s second floor.
Aug. 24: Mahjong restarts for fall
Mahjong is back for the fall! Played by four players, Mahjong is a tile-based game developed in the 19th century in China that has spread throughout the world since the early 20th century. The game is often compared to gin rummy. Pauline Nolte teaches both Chinese and American Mahjong. Gatherings will be held Saturdays starting on Aug. 24 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and running until the end of November. Register with judi@waterburypubliclibrary.com to reserve a spot.
Saturdays: Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons is now meeting weekly on Saturdays. Led by Dungeon Master Evan Hoffman, this 5th edition campaign is accessible to new players but still offers depth for veterans. From 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. every Saturday at the library, meet with fellow gamers and form your adventuring party, explore fantasy worlds together, and embark on epic quests. At its heart, D&D is a storytelling game. Everything is your decision from what you look like, to how you act, to what happens next. You build a collective community and stories build on each another. It’s fun, it’s action, and it’s bonding. New players are always welcome. Check in with the platform Discord to ask any questions and meet Evan and the other players. While the play is mostly in person at the library, Discord and Zoom options are also available.
Judi Byron is the library’s Adult Program Coordinator. Contact: 802-244-7036 or judi@waterburypubliclibrary.com.