Waterbury Winterfest fine-tuning schedule for Jan.-Feb. events
Dec. 22, 2021 | By Lisa Scagliotti
Brian LaMonde and Sergio Torres play some tunes at Blackback Pub as Waterbury Winterfest’s silent auction takes place. Photo by Gordon Miller.
Organizers for Waterbury Winterfest report a healthy turnout at the Dec. 12 silent auction and sing-along hosted at Blackback Pub and they say they are fine-tuning the schedule for Winterfest 2022 coming up in January and early February.
The Wanderlust Challenge has been moved ahead to now kick off Jan. 15, according to Winterfest committee member Brenda Caforia-Weeber. The list of activities that people can do individually or in groups and document with photos is being finalized on the WaterburyWinterfest.com website, she said.
Blackback Pub's upstairs room was the setting for the Waterbury Winterfest silent auction and live music last weekend. Photo by Gordon Miller
Eric Weber, Brian LaMonde and Sergio Torres perform at Blackback Pub on Sunday. Photo by Gordon Miller
Those scavenger-hunt-type challenges will be active for three weeks through Saturday, Feb. 5, with prizes awarded for participants who document their progress. Instructions and details will be published online.
Winterfest 2022 will take place over five days, Wednesday-Sunday, Feb. 2-6, with a full schedule of daily activities that also will be available on the Winterfest website. So far, the schedule calls for all outdoor activities.
Highlights scheduled to date include Outdoor Wassailing on Feb. 2, a cross-country skiing and vinyl night at Pilgrim Park on Feb. 3, a skating party with broomball and human bowling on Feb. 4. Saturday, Feb. 5, will feature a full schedule at Rusty Parker Memorial Park with snow games, live music, fat tire biking demos and more. The schedule for Sunday, Feb. 6, so far has snow football and a group hike/snowshoe from Blush Hill Country Club to Little River.
More details will be added in the next several weeks, organizers say.